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Razzle-Dazzle Citrus


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Out of the mold this morning and trimmed up. It's scented with a combination of SC Black Raspberry (2 parts) and Grapefruit Citrus (1 part) FOs. There's a little orange peel and raspberry fibers in the middle layer, but they are all scented the same. I had a little oozing of the fragrance oils, but I'm hoping it will absorb back into the soap. Need to cut back on the amount I guess since they are both such strong oils.


I'm having a soaping crisis! There is no coconut oil for miles around since I've cleaned out their Walmart's shelves both locally and in the next town with a super WalMart. My big bucket from Columbus foods won't arrive until sometime late next week. :waiting: How did I let myself get in this fix? I guess I'll have to break down and do some spring cleaning...bleh!

Thanks for looking!

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Love the soap! Looks great! The scents sound amazing.....

I had that happen too with a Green Apple FO.

It didn't quite absorb into the soap or something, I thought it would eventually but it didn't, and it left big white spots.

One of only a few batches I didn't give out or sell! But yours looks great!

OOOOPS on the oil!

Man, I hate being in that predicament with no supplies!

*You'll go through soap withdrawels Brenda....go quick...do anything you can to get some! :tongue2:

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I've read a lot of raves about the SC berry FOs. Are they really "all that"? I cringe at spending that much for a FO but I may have to, just to try 'em.

I've only used this one berry scent from SC, but it is strong, true, and "stays" great through soaping! Worth the money - JMO.

Thanks ladies! :)

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Beautiful soap Brenda. I did Fairy Dust & Twinkle Toes a week or 2 ago and it oozed just a bit out of the top as well. Maybe its' a grapefruit thing. I just let it set for an extra day and it went back into the soap.

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I've read a lot of raves about the SC berry FOs. Are they really "all that"? I cringe at spending that much for a FO but I may have to, just to try 'em.

SC FO's are unbelievable. That is about all that I have used in the past but with making such big batches now I am trying to find less expensive FO that is still high quality... SC is awesome and all have been tested in CP soap!

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Beautiful soap! I love your untraditional layered look. Your scent blend sounds awesome. I love SC's Black Raspberry. I favor tart berry scents more than syrupy sweet ones and mixed with citrus and grapefruit, oh man... yummylicious! :D

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Thanks so much! :smiley2: The cleaning fairy did not get me. I was able to find soaping tasks to do all day. My house doesn't look that bad..really...I think.

Tomorrow is another day. I'll do it tomorrow. :cool2:

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I make the same recipe three times in a row. :) It's a little bit of fuss, but I enjoy doing it because it frees me from the giant soap pot. Each batch fits in a 2 quart saucepan. I could make the whole batch of oils and weigh it out, but then I'd have to wrestle that big pot --- and I tend to spill easily from big heavy pots! :rolleyes2 Plus, the separate weigh-outs give the previous layer time to cool and set up enough to accept the next layer without denting.

And a level surface is necessary too. It's not difficult, just fussy.

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