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ok..I feel stupid...


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Between using Mustard when I should not have...

And Not fully understanding whatsuper fatting is..holy smokes....

I understand water discounting! And I love that! hehehehe

Lets see if I have this right...when U go into the sooz calc....There is a part for a Lye discount it is auto for 5% right...

U can ajust anyway u want...

IS that what super fatting is? What is adding like say coco butter at trace ? that is super fatting too???

if a recipe calls for a 6% lye dicount and U only do 5% what would happen to the soap? IS it harsher?

Thanks sooo Much!

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When you have a 5% lye discount, that means leave 5% of the oils unsaponified, in the bar as free oils, not transformed into soap.

When you add say an ounce of CB at trace, the reason people do this is the theory that by trace, all of the lye and oils are already starting to bond, so all of the CB or more of it will remain the free oil in the soap.

Both are superfatting IMO. The both push the percent of free oils above 0%.

A difference of 6% to 5% is not going to be very noticable, once again, IMO. From 2% to 6% you will notice the difference. Each soaper has their own special numbers they have settled on. 4%, 5% or even up to 8% or higher.

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Yup, taking 5% or 6% off the amount of lye you'd need to fully saponify all the fatty acids is superfatting.

Adding fats at trace? Some soapers will claim that it doesn't make any difference if you add them at the beginning of your batch or at trace, because eventually the lye will break them all down the same. Others claim that roughly up to 40% of saponification has already taken place by the time you achieve trace, so adding fats then will give you some superfatting because some of the lye is already "spent." Other soapers say that trace is only a state of emusification, and that true saponification hasn't taken place at all yet by the time you hit trace.

Personally, I'm not convinced either way, because I'm not a scientist and I don't have a lab to extensively test all these theories out. LOL Your average layperson soaper can't really know; we just have to trust someone else's research.

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Between using Mustard when I should not have...

And Not fully understanding whatsuper fatting is..holy smokes....

I understand water discounting! And I love that! hehehehe

Lets see if I have this right...when U go into the sooz calc....There is a part for a Lye discount it is auto for 5% right...

U can ajust anyway u want...

IS that what super fatting is? What is adding like say coco butter at trace ? that is super fatting too???

if a recipe calls for a 6% lye dicount and U only do 5% what would happen to the soap? IS it harsher?

Thanks sooo Much!

You can adjust your super fat higher or lower. A higher superfatted soap can be softer, longer and more prone to DOS (dreaded orange spots). A lower superfatted soap works better for oily skin and is not so good for dry skin (IMHO).

I add all of my oils at the same time. I don't worry about adding an oil at trace. Lye doesn't care when you add the oil. It saponifies as it sees fit. :wink2:

edited to fix a typo

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Ok.. I named it wrong in the other thread. It wasn't a mustard patch that's correct. It's a mustard plaster. All my massage therapy books are packed up, but I remember the stress against not using these or mustard products on the skin on clients. There are many contraindications against using mustard, and using it IMHO in soap is just unsafe. One person with sensative skin is gonna burn all over, despite the low useage rates.



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Thanks Bunny for the links!!!!!!! I guess I am gonna have to get some more.Lemongrass eo and do it again!!!!!!! wahhh..I did read in one of the articles...that u put the link in..about it helping with circulation...ANd I have only been using on my hands as a Kitchen soap..and no burn..but there is a tingle/heat that I like..And I have bad circulation in my hands! so I guess I will keeep this batch for myself!!!!!! LOL!!!!!

Thanks everyone for the imput!!!!

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