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covering candle to cure

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I just found a few different kinds of containers that I want to play around with, but they don't lend themselves to covers. I found a ceramic mini loaf pan in a wicker basket and some oversized java mugs...already poured strawberry shortcake in the loaf and hazelnut/creme brulee mix in the mug. now I want to cover them so they can cure a while before testing---but what to use??

for some reason I have it in my head that if I throw saran wrap over them it will suck the scent out of them---think I read it somewhere or I could just be imagining it :tongue2: I've put in 62 hours this week at work and still managed to pour and test about 2 doz candles..uggg, I am a masochist!!

do any of you cover odd containers with saran or maybe freezer wrap? any other ideas--I'd really like to use something cheap..god knows I've spent enough money lately on candle making stuff..lol BTW...cold throw on both of those FO's is AWESOME:D triple wicked the loaf pans and even after only 12 hours the hot throw is out of this world too!!! have I said how much I love candlesources' FO's yet..lol

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If you call the company of the wrap covering you want to use, you can ask them is it is made of polypropylene (good) and polyethylene (not good). My spelling is probably off, I used to be able to spell it! They are usually very cooperative if they know why you are asking. If I remember right, Saran wrap original is ok but not the cling type. All cellophane is good. Sam's Club wrap was ok. :)

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I appreciate them, I was thinking of using the press n seal too, but thought maybe it was the same stuff as saran. as for the cello bags and ribbons--thats a great idea for when/if I ever get to the point of selling, right now I just want a way to cure them covered here in my home for testing/personal use...and considering I just spent another $$$ hundred on supply I do believe I would be shot if the UPS truck even drives down our street right about now :eek: :eek:

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