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Grandma's Old fashioned Lye soap??


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A friend asked me if I could Make lye soap...I said I do make lye soap..she said I mean the lye soap that they made in the old days for more cleaning and laundry stains ect...HArsher then Our types of soap...I guess there is a comercial bar that is made that U can buy in the laundry section? Our store does not carry it..

Is That type of soap Just Lard???



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Years ago I made the recipe on the side of the red devil can a lot. It was just home rendered tallow, water & lye. Maybe a tablespoon of borax for some bubbles. We used it for bath soap as DD had super dry skin. My mold was a cardboard box lined with baby diapers.:)


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I made up a batch a few months ago that I am still using. I used bars from a batch that did not go well, added a bit of lye (mixed in with water first) and a bunch of water (the amount of lye depends on the weight of the soap plus your lye discount). Plus washing soda and borax. I think it made 2 gallons, but I only use about 1/4 cup or less (never measured the scooper I use). Cleans very well. I rinse with vinager (white distilled).

Excellent gel laundry detergent. I've probably saved 60-70 bucks so far.

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Oh is she talking about fels naptha soap? That is the best at taking dirt/grass stains out of clothes.

My DH and sons went caving one weekend and came home with clay covered clothes. I washed those clothes several times and they were still stained up. Put my bar of fels naptha soap in a soak bucket and filled it with hot water (to dissolve the soap) when the soap was dissolved, I soaked 2 pairs of jeans overnight, washed them and they came out 100% stain free. I had already soaked these jeans twice in biz bleach and scrubbed biz into the stains and it barely did anything.

I should buy a bar and see what is in it. Regardless, you can do lard or coconut or a combo and a 0% discount and get the same results.

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Fels Naptha is very difficult to locate now. The only place in our town that had it was the Winn-Dixie, and they closed down over a year ago, so I haven't seen any in a long time. It is probably still on some of those "country store" type websites, but they want a premium for it and you'd have shipping on top of that. It is very good laundry soap, though; you're right, it removes almost any stain. I may have to try to make a batch like you said and see how it does:)

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I used to help my grandmother make soap many moons ago. She just saved used grease, probably 95% lard

LOL Gene. When I was a kid, my neighbor's had a housekeeper named Mamie. She was very radical for her day (1960's) . Wore men's jeans and plaid shirts only and was always collecting stuff for people she knew with troubles from her neighborhood. Mamie saved all the bacon drippings and other grease for soap. I remember watching her stir the pot as a little girl.

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LOL Gene. When I was a kid, my neighbor's had a housekeeper named Mamie. She was very radical for her day (1960's) . Wore men's jeans and plaid shirts only and was always collecting stuff for people she knew with troubles from her neighborhood. Mamie saved all the bacon drippings and other grease for soap. I remember watching her stir the pot as a little girl.

Thats how it was done, nothing wasted

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I have several bars of lye soap my Grandma made over 40 years ago. They're large thick chunks, colored a dark yellowish orange. I'm sure the color is from the age of the soap. I remember seeing them boxed up in one of her unused bedrooms and wondered WTH? She told me she made that soap before I was born (be 43 in June) and I could have them if I wanted. I have them wrapped up in plastic and displayed in a basket in my kitchen. I think about her everytime I see that basket.

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Wow, how cool to have Grandma's original soap!

You guys who do 0% superfat are my heroes. I'm waaaaay too chicken to do that. Skeered I'll have funky oils with unusually low sap values and I'll end up with a lye-heavy batch. LOL The lowest I'll ever go is 1%--I just feel better having a slight margin of error. :D I need a bit of wiggle room in case my scale burps or something while I'm measuring!! :laugh2:

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she is probably talking about the 100% Coconut or lard soap, people ask me about it all the time, they talk about their mom or grandma making lye soap and they would shower with (very harsh) and launder with it. They always say it works great as a stain stick, but it hard to convince them my soap is not harsh like that was

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