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Stacie, although I don't sell yet, I wouldn't be too upset about the imports. I think it would cater to a different market. For that thought, I think we all have different markets which we target. Prims, spa-type, dupes, etc. I haven't checked your site, if you have one... (I'm staying away from other's sites and candle gallery till I have my own hammered out ;) ) but I'm sure you'll still have customers who will want your candles.

BTW, did you happen to check out 'AS082, $.72', it's under "Houseware/Garment". Are they selling someone? Or the outfit? Sorry, I couldn't resist putting that one in! :)

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If they are the imported candles I would bet they are the lowest quality there is.......in the last year I have read about everything from candy to jewelry that was imported and recalled for high levels of lead. Just last week there was a story of a baby dieing from lead poisoning in a toy that was imported.....They may look nice but I would be afraid to burn one..... :tiptoe: :lipsrseal

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I don't want to get political, but I'm quite sure they are not made here in the good 'ole USA! Cheap labor = cheap product! At least the candles that we make all hold a little piece of us in them because we take the time and effort to make a good product! Just my opinion!

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They look like dollar store candles. I have purchased some "cute" candles at the dollar stores before .... don't burn worth diddly squat! Just continue to make quality candles and you'll have customers coming back. :wink2:

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Welcome to China folks. Look at the names in the contact area.

That's the way it goes. I know it doesn't seem fair...

My first thought when I saw the post Made in China, I know these are not the candles that my customers are looking for or they would have them,

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My first thought when I saw the post Made in China, I know these are not the candles that my customers are looking for or they would have them,

Exactly. As long as we make a better product people that want a better product will buy ours. The problem is going to come (one day) when they (China) figure out that not all Americans are cheap. Once they start to make stuff higher end to compete with our stuff, the game will really be tough to win.

It has come to that in some respects with other items. Sort of like when you think about how Japanese cars WERE when the first started...

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I think those are made in china I've seen some of those in some product catalogue (china). Even I who's in Hong Kong don't buy china candles, I make my own and order supplies from Peak's. It's expensive but at least I know what's in my candles and a better scent throw too. ;)

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Looking at those mottled 3x3's then at the price they charged ($.69) blew my mind! Mind you they most be loaded with oil and therefore have a MP of maybe 132, MAYBE, but geese! Low quality or not, that's just nuts!

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I can never get over how cheaply things can be imported into North America. Even if the materials cost nothing as well as labour, how do they get it here and still sell for so little. It is difficult to know what sizes these are, but how can even the cheapest wax can't be that cheap? We all need to pay attention to what is happening at this point in history. China has just begun to take jobs from North America, and they aren't going to stop. I'll stop before I get on too much of a rant.


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