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Thanks everyone! Really appreciate it! Here goes:

Olive- 17.5%- 11.2 ozs

SAO- 12.5%- 8 ozs

Mac Nut Oil- 12.5%- 8

Castor- 5%- 3.2

EPO- 2.5%- 1.6

Coconut- 15%- 9.6

PK flakes (same as coco)

Lard (same as above)

Shea butter- 5%-3.2

Water- 24.32

Lye- 9.1

Now, the thing I'm worried about is the olive (trying to keep it low). Don't want this batch to come out like my first, SLIMY, and if I remember right that is what does it. If so, is it low enough?

Also, hoping to get enough time to TRY a swirl maybe... see any probs with that?



Oh, pooh forgot to add: From Sooz: Hardness-36, Cleansing-19, Condition-55,Bubbly lather-24, Creamy lather- 21, Iodine- 61, INS- 144 (????????? lost here!)

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I think it looks good.. You've got a 50/50 soft hard.. Not too much pko or coconut for my tastes. Your sooz numbers are good...

If you want to try a swirl, use max water for the best results and more workable time to get that swirl in there.

Edited cause I really can spell "tastes"....lol

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The numbers look good to me, but the recipe sure seems complex. I prefer to keep my recipes more simple when I can, but then again I'm a klutz so that's just to decrease my odds of screwing something up. :laugh2:

3-4 good oils is all I need for decent soap, but that's subjective. Lots of recipes make great soap. :) And half the fun of making something is tweaking your recipe and coming up with your very own. So I understand the fun of playing with your formula!

Let us know how it turns out! Sounds like it will make a nice bar! :grin2:

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I agree with AJ. I "used" to make soaps using a lot of different ingredients. Gene helped me a couple weeks ago with a "cheap" simple recipe and I absolutely love it. I like to keep my oils/butters to 3-4, less chance of screwing up and you can still get a great bar of soap :D

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Thanks, everyone for the help! When I did my first batch I only used four oils, and felt like I wanted to do more with it, so that is the main reason for me adding a few more to this one. I'll decide after I make this one if I still want to use more/less.

Carrie, thank you sooo much for that. I had seen it (or at least one that looked very close, diff color if memory serves me right) before, but couldn't for the life of me remember where. Got it printed out now!

Now it's just to decide where I want to order my coloring from... sooo many choices!


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