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Shameless plug.......


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Today is was working in my son's class and the teacher and the aide were talking about some candles someone else (another mom) was selling.

So, of course I mosied over there and started being nosey, and they were GC candles. I said, "wow, those are expensive!!" To which the aide said, "yah they are kind of expensive, but they are good candles."

I then had to go on and tell her that I make my own candles, and that I started doing them b/c others were sooo expensive or weren't of good quality.

So, she asked me how much I sell mine for, were they strong? ;)

So, of course after I told her MY prices, she said, "well bring me some samples girl, my friends and I love candles we buy them all the time.!" :D

So, you can be sure that next Monday when I go work there, I'll be bringing my sample scents etc.

Now, I just wish I had a nice brochure/order form dang it.

Although she probably won't buy from me next week since she jsut plunked down a huge chunk of change for the GC candles. :eek:

BUT, there's always next time. ;)

That was the first time I've ever tried to steer someone away from others candles and over to mine. ;)

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Guest EMercier

I've done it before and have no shame in it. Especially if it's more expensive and I know I have a good product for less! I wouldn't feel bad. :D

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Same here...I talked a couple of women in the DOLLAR TREE of all places into my candles!;)

Right now I am trying to convince a private school to use my candles in their next fundraiser....they are being stubborn!! I have only talked to them on the phone so far. But I am going to take some in to the office next week:D .


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I just thought it funny that all this gal wanted to know was the price and if they were STRONG, not "do they burn good? No sooting etc." All the things that we as chandlers are most interested in. ;) LOL

Wait till she smells MINE and realizes how many of MINE she could have bought for $60 (she got 3 friggin' candles for that $$). :D

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Wow, GC is charging $20 a candle now? The last time I checked, it was more like $15. I am not sure that a non-chandler knows how to recognize good burn characteristics and no sooting. Everyone who has asked will ask if they are strong, or maybe how long does it last (another way of comparing prices), but never about the burn characteristics like does it use up all of its wax.

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I work at a preschool and for Valentine's Day I talked the teacher into making baby food jar candle holders for the moms. The children decoupaged tissue paper on the outside of the jar and I provided chocolate scented tealights that were conveniently packaged with my label. :D The preschool board doesn't let me advertise in the school but my boss is always trying to find subtle ways to get the word out.

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