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Color Fading

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Hi everyone...I am new here and fairly new to making candles. I have a question.

I currently make container soy candles and use Cargill NatureWax C-3. I am trying to make candles that are as natural/healthy as possible. I have been having some problems with color fading.

After a few days to a few weeks, the colors in my candles start to fade...really, they start to get that mottled, snowflake kind of look so maybe color fading is not my problem. It is usually at the top and then sometimes it fades down one side of the candles.

I know that there is a UV Stabalizer I could add, but I cannot find what this product is made of and I am leary of using any additives.

Do any of you have any suggestions on how to fix this problem?


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I am new to this as well, but I think it sounds like frosting. I have used the Cargil wax & had some frosting issues with it. From everything I have read on this board frosting is just a one of those things that you get with soy wax. I am adding some beeswax & playing with different pour temps & curing temps to try to cut back on the frosting. So far for me, the darker color candle frost the worst!


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It does sound like frost rather than fading colors. There is a product called frostop that may help you. Some times using a different color line will help too. And then it could be the FO causing the frost. Try some without color, then with the same FO try using color and compare the two candles. Basically try to narrow down the cause. I don't know what type of color line you are using but when I was using dye blocks I got lots of frost.

You can't eliminate frost all the time but you can find ways to decrease it substantially.

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