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Bunny's Soap Additive Results


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For those of us that are testing and comparing what the different additives did to the soap, just start a post in here and edit it after testing each one. Here's a list so you can c/p to make it easier if you want. I didn't list the base recipe, as it is a control bar to compare with and not needed. I'm interested in seeing your results!!









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CORNSTARCH: Love the scent. Girl you're going to get me tricked out into a FO ho again. Sheesh. The Cuke one was fabby, now this one... OY. Anyhoo, this one I had more difficulty with because of its size and shape. Just couldn't get the friction I felt I needed. It had a more of a cream lather for me - no big bubbles or anything. But I liked it. Felt really clean after I rinsed it off. I liked that too.

MAYO: Less bubbles for me, not as good lather... felt kind of different but hard to explain?

AVACADO: Did I say I liked another one more? Well this is my new favorite. Lathered right away - more creamy, nice, I liked it. Feels smooth, too. Mmmm.


EGG YOLK: This one gave me more lather than the cuke one. But still not a lot of bubbles. More... creamy. I've tried the maker's soap before and really like it. I'm blaming my lack of lather on the additives. Or our hard city water. LOL. This has been my favorite so far.


CARROT PUREE: This one doesn't look right.

CUCUMBER: Didn't get much lather at all with this one. I don't know what was up with it. LOVED the scent though. This one felt like a castille to me.

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Ok ya'll.. Ya know that soap marked base soap? I used it tonight so I could start my offical testing.. It was nasty. Pulled out my notes, and well.. It's not the same recipe as the others. I'm so sorry! Please chuck that one in the trash and have fun with the rest!

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Okay, Im here too:) Here is what I thought so far


My second favorite, super bubbly ,smooth, but may have just been the recipe base


this had less bubbles, not real sure I like the mayo in a bar.. felt sorta sticky , I know it sounds weird, but thats the feel I get


I actually think this was one of my least favorite which surprized me. it felt drying to me


Not tried yet


this had amore creamy feel to me, kinda felt weird showering with eggs..lol but it had a nice smooth feel.and i was surprised how much i liked it.


This felt like a normal wonderful bar of soap not drying,bubbly.. so its a nice additve imo..left my skin soft..ill be soaping this one..


Jury is still out on this one (love the scent) Ill post updates later


My first favorite, not sure if the scent helped me love it more, but it had a great non drying feel..Really like this one..soaping this too soon!

Thanks so much Bunny for letting me be a part of this..its been really fun testing different ingrediants!

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I'll update this post as I test.

CORNSTARCH: I don't notice any effect from the cornstarch. The soap bubbled and lathered just like a good little soap should. There was no dryness and left my skin feeling moisturized. I do have to say that I may have to look into OT FO's. I loved the Frosted Wineberry and have heard some other good things lately.

MAYO: This little bar made my skin feel great. I don't know what it was about Mayo but it worked.




YOGURT: This bar went from bubbles to lather in under a second. Nice feel on the skin. I like this additive.

CARROT PUREE: Wow, did this ever bubble. Again there was no dryness, this was a nice soap.

CUCUMBER: I was a little worried about the yellow dots. I've never seen DOS (knock on wood) but I just figured it was the cucumber (I hope) Anyway, I thought the bubbles onthe carrot were wonderful...the lather on this bar, wow. It didn't take any work to get the lather started, just rubbed the bar and tons of lather. The scent was very light but nice. It was a good soap but I didn't like the yellow spots.

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Here are my reviews for the experimental food soaps. Bear in mind these are my opinions...and you know how the saying goes!!!

CORNSTARCH: Loved the color of purple for this one and the fragrance was wonderful - I absolutely love it. It felt as though it took longer to work up a good lather and the bubbles weren't very big or great. The lather felt "chalky" rather than creamy. The lather did slide well across the skin. After showering I felt a little dry but not uncomfortably so. I wonder if it would work well as a facial soap additive for 'greasy' types? (edited to add - maybe not made my face feel dry instantly!)

MAYO: Great color on this one!!! I also love this scent...even more than Peaks version this has more spice! The bubbles and lather left a lot to be desired on this one. It glided well over the skin very smooth and slippery. Skin felt wonderful after using...so I'd say it's quite moisterizing!

AVOCADO: mmmm..smells so wonderful! I really like this bar almost as much as the cucumber one...nice creamy lather nice bubbles....no drying effect...slides well across the skin. I will have to put this on the "to-try" list.

SOUR CREAM: Not big fan of BNB so that may affect my enjoyment on this bar a bit....crazy I know but true. Bubbles and lather were great, slid well over the skin, and was a nice moisterizing bar...a pretty good additive...may have to experiment with this some day!

EGG YOLK: My 3rd favorite so far....nice creamy lather and bubbles...glided over skin well but was slightly "tacky" feeling...nicely moisterizing

YOGURT: Not sure why but I could barely smell this one...(candlenose???) It seamed as though the yogurt cut down on the bubbles a bit but the lather was nice and creamy...felt great on the skin both during and after. Nice!

CARROT PUREE: I finally used this bar...held off a little because the top looked a little weird...the scent on this is awesome...I love Peaks Carrot Cake...not sure I like washing with it 'cause it makes me drool and then I have to wash all over again...hahaha...Bubbled well and the lather was creamy and plentiful....slide well over the skin...felt nice and moisterizing in shower and after...all around nice bar!

CUCUMBER: One of my absolute favorites!!! Smell is divine and the soap is fabulous! The lather was easy to work up and was deliciously creamy. The bubbles were wonderful - nice and big and fluffy just like I like 'em! Felt wonderful on the skin and felt very moisterized after showering. I was kinda wary of the little yellow spots but since it didn't smell funky I decided it was ok to use....this was the only one that "turned."

Based on this I have put the cucumber, avocado, carrot, yogurt, and sour cream on my list of projects to try.....it'll have to wait until I get my base recipe "tweaked" though! The cuc and avocado bars were my fav.....I think it was because the scent/bubbleage/moisterizing all worked for me in these 2 bars! It was a very fun experience for me...I hope you got something from my feedback...I know this was a learning experience for me!!! Thanks so much for including me!

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CORNSTARCH: I kinda liked the "dry" bubbles it gave, made for a unique soap when using a washcloth. Now, while using a puff? Funky lather! It felt like the foam you shoot under the porch or in holes then sand dry! Now, directly out of the tub, I didn't feel dry. But about 2 hours after I hopped out of the tub, I started getting itchy. Looked under my fingernails, and ewww! Dried cornstarch! LMAO!

MAYO: Lacked quite a bit in the lather department. Was left well moisturized however. Don't think there's a market for this one. :wink2:

AVACADO: I just love the smell of this one, I could eat it! Haven't given this one a full review, I keep getting carried away with the scent! (Kinda like those old herbal essences commercials...lol)



YOGURT: Loved the creamy look of the bar.. But it totally lacked in the lather department. It felt good, just didn't lather worth a durn.

CARROT PUREE: This one just looks too nasty to use. The cream cheese topping looks like cottage cheese or something.

CUCUMBER: Didn't care for the yellow spots of cucumber. I pureed it to death, but still kinda funky looking. Left my skin "squeaky" and I didn't care for that. However, about an hour after the bath, I noticed I really liked the feel of my skin. Jury is still out for me on this one.

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Kinda funny how you thought the same thing as I did about the carrot/cream cheese one.. It just looks gross! lol! I might break down and try it, but only after the others are done.

Heather just found her soaps, so hopefully she'll join us too!

Note about the cuc soap.. Looking hard at the bars, I honestly don't believe it's dos we're looking at. Looking at the pics of the same bars, everywhere you see a yellow dot is where it was once green. In my research before I did this, many said to puree the whole thing.. Seeds, flesh, and peel. Think I'll skin the peel next time (if there is a next time) and see if it doesn't do that. DOS is a lot more orange than what's showing up on the bars.

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I've added a few to mine.. Need to use a few of them again, cause I forgot what I was going to write!

But that carrot one still looks too nasty to use. Ok ladies.. Don't go for the cream cheese topping! At least not with real cream cheese!

Am thinking this recipe wasn't all it looked like it was going to be. I just don't have the stock right now to have made my normal base recipe that's tried and true. The numbers were very similar, I guess they didn't "synergize" as well as I'd hoped. But at the least we can tell what we'd like to try!

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