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Hey Cathy here....well I made a new batch of what was supposed to be body butter...I am really new, I used 5oz of shea, 1oz of cocoa, 2oz of a combo of mac nut oil, sao, and hazelnut oil, 2 drops of vit e, and 2 tb corn starch. I melted the butters, whipped added the oils, whipped put in fridge 3 min and whipped added the corn starch and whipped/fridge/whipped/fridge several times.......viola.....the next morning I had jars of lard looking oil..What can I do to save this disaster? Should I remelt add alittle beeswax...if so how much....what did I do wrong?:embarasse Im so embarassed I want to :tiptoe: away...well more like run from this one.

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Hi Cathy, I'm no expert but I would remelt add some more shea butter and go from there again and if you don't plan on selling it . it really doesn't matter the consistency just how it feels when you apply it.

Good luck


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Now, I don't know lard well, but it's a smooth, solid substance. If that's what you have, then whip it (no need to melt it down again) again while slowly adding about 1/2-1 oz. more OIL...don't add beeswax. I've added beeswax to my butters before, and it just felt horrible. If you want a straight up whipped body butter, just try adding a little more oil. Cocoa butter is really hard naturally, and it could be you just didn't have enough oil to keep the butter light and fluffy. Try that and let us know how it goes!

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thanks for all the tips....thanks to angied I actually did not melt it down but I whipped it for about 5 minutes added about a tbl of e.wax (of course melted the ewax separately) then added it to my mixture...whipped/fridge/whipped/fridge about 5 times and it actually is great. I still do have a small issue with the grainies but it is for me and my mom so we will deal with it. I sure was in a panic earlier...thanks guys.:grin2:

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Yeah, I might just start from scratch. Just use the butters and oils, no ewax or beeswax, or you'll get a balm/salve consistency, no amount of whipping would help you, probably. You've got a nice balm now, so you can always save it and use it for that purpose, but I doubt you can get it to whip up.

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When I added the ewax it actually thickened it up. Before it looked like a cup of half melted lard setting on the stove...you know when some rises to the top? But I don't know what the ewax did or even is supposed to do but I now have a somewhat stiff body butter, although like I said before I have some grains that is the least of my worries. I like how it goes on....I don't want a lotion consistency I like a thicker one and I guess the ewax did the trick. I actually have seen several recipes on the net that calls for either ewax or beeswax...obviously not both... but I don't know I am so green (new) with this...I understand if I would have added too much ewax it would have been more of a salve but it I could actually save this batch for myself....not to share with the public of course...



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I don't use any waxes in my whipped butters and I think they are just fine. It does take a little time for the product to thicken / firm up. I find that when it's completely cool (the next day), it sets up very nicely.

You can experiment with different ratios of solids/liquids and see which texture & consistency you like best. I've used 2:1 butters to oils, and also 3:1 butters to oils. Personally, I prefer the medium consistency -- not too firm and stiff, and not too loose and creamy. So I shoot for a middle of the road whipped butter. LOL

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