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My first votive sunk

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Hi there! I can't help you with your problem, but wanted to give you encouragement. I'm into body butter now and my first two batches were terrible. I was so aggravated, but determined. I finally figured it out. Perhaps that will happen for you too - keep trying, don't give up! I'm sure one of the nice ladies here can offer some good suggestions.

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okay, I'm venturing into votives now. I use EcosoyaPB. I just oured my first votive, and it is getting a huge crater around the wickpin :angry2:. No color added, only scent- 6% French Vanilla.....HELP!!

Try pouring at 160-165 then I usually do a fine top up at 170. This just eliminates the dip in the wick area and gives it a nice smooth top. I think I have even poured at 157 in the past and had really good results. :)

Let us know how your next batch turns out.

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thanx for the suggestions, and the words of encouragement. I've been playing with my jars for almost a year--they are actually doing quite well--hope it don't take that long for these guys...lol.

Ahhhh, the joy of soy!! I'll just have to see what works for me.

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okay, I'm venturing into votives now. I use EcosoyaPB. I just oured my first votive, and it is getting a huge crater around the wickpin :angry2:. No color added, only scent- 6% French Vanilla.....HELP!!

Are you doing a single pour or double for these. Double pour works the best, even with the waxes that say they are singles. Preheat your molds, do your first pour to about 3/4 of the way full. Then when they are getting fairly firm, (about 30-45 min.) heat the wax for the second pour really warm and pour it. This way you won't get any sink holes and they will be super pretty. HTH:)

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I do a second pour.

My problem with this wax is I use wick pins and the wax pops out of the mold just fine but the wick pins stick at the base not the pin. When I finally get the pin out a big chunk of the votive sticks to the base of the wick pin it just tears away at the base of the wick pin.

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Candle Man I had the same problem you with the chunks coming out of the bottom of the votive when wick pin was removed. I found it almost impossible to "unglue" the wick pin, so decided to go ahead and try putting the votives with the wick pin intact in the fridge for maybe 20-30 min. When I took them out I gave the pointy end of the wick pin a push on my countertop {covered with two pieces of cardboard} and it came out cleanly! :D

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I have the perfect solution or soylution - hehe. Put the heat gun on the bottom of the wickpin after you take it out of the mold. Then tap the top of the pin on the counter. It should pop off very clean. It works like a charm. I think I got this tip from Geek. It has made life with votives so much more liveable.

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Hey CM-- funny you should mention the wickpin thingy, 'cause I have the same problem!! I'll try either the cold or the hot and see what works best for me. I did make another, and did a second pour-- and no sink holes

:yay:. Now I have to figure out the wicks...lol. I made a mini-pillar, and an LX12 was too big. Trying an LX10 right now.


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