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baby wash?


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My son is a bubble maniac! We go through baby wash/bubble bath like water :) I was thinking of making him some of my shower gel, which doubles as bubble bath, in a neat scent, but I realized how many odd ingredients are in it..I have NO idea what some of these things are!! So, my question is, does anyone know where I can get some gentle baby bath base...or is there perhaps a recipe floating around out there that I haven't seen? I know it's super difficult to make your own shower gel, but I'm willing to give it a shot. I also tried some powdered bubble bath with him, but my husband didn't like it (he washes my son with the bubbles and these weren't cleansing) and my son got a mouth full of powder when he poured it in the tub :D Thanks guys!!!

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i no this is not what you was looking for. but i use baby wash/bubble bath for my grandson. i get it at the dollar store for one dollar for the cheap brand it works great.and really cheap since there name brand is like 4 dollars.i tried a recipe i found for baby bath. i use it for my older kinds but it is not no more tears.so i do not use it for my grandson.

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I use a liquid, all natural, castile soap base on my baby (1 year old), and I scent it with yummy apricot, but I don't use it as a shampoo since I don't know if it's "tear free" or not. It's gentle and works good though. Hey, I live by you! (in WY.);)

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OMG Spellkast I was just thinking about this last night. I let my kids make their own shower gel last night, and when my little guy (5yrs.) got in the shower with his, he said, "hey mama, is this gonna burn my eyes??" I had to tell him that it probably would and to be very careful. So then I started wondering where I could get something more gentle for him, but then if I put FO in it, that would probably negate the "tear free" stuff huh?


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You guys are great!!! :D I'm gonna order some of the stuff from Chemistry store (a ton cheaper!) And Michelle, I'll let you know how it works, okie doke? :) I've actually gotten some of my soap in my eye (with FO) and it didn't sting, so perhaps if you lightly scent it, it may still be tear free...especially since johnson & johnson has a ton of tear free products that have lovely scents like lavender and chamomile or whatever it is...lol. I'm going to experiment with some of my favorite scents and I'll pour them in my eyeballs and see how they do! LOL. Thanks guys!

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You nut!! Don't go pouring stuff in your eyeballs!! :eek:

I guess better us than our kids though right? :D

I've yet to check out the links given, so they have a good price at the Chemistry store?

I'll have to wait for a while to buy anything, but that's good to know for future purchasing.

Oh, good luck with your testing. LOL

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I use castile soap as well, diluted with water, and I add a few drops of Lav or Cham EO to it - I put it in a foaming pump. It's not tear free, but it rinses off with such ease that I've never in his 2 years gotten it in his eyes.

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See, I'm new to the whole making CP soap thingy...and I have no idea how you can dilute a solid bar of soap...does anyone else have trouble grasping this concept? :D It'd be much easier for me to do something like that, but would it bubble up if added to bath water, do you know? :) Thanks!!!!

And Michelle- don't worry, I was just joking about pouring soap in my eyeballs...would be funny though!

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If you're talking about the castile, I actually buy the liquid version - Dr Bronner's. I love that stuff, you can use it on ANYTHING, and it's organic and really natural. Just oils, KOH and EO goes into the recipe. I know that Purple Lilac has made a beautiful castile style with coconut and olive, I've used it for my baby wash and it was verrrrry nice, a little less drying than the Bronner's can be over time.

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So is it possible to make a liquid castille soap at home? (sorry for all of these dumb questions!!) I've heard of people making liquid soap, but I was under the impression that it was very tedious and time consuming (like the reason most people don't make their own shower gel at home.) I've just never seen a recipe for a liquid soap, and I'd love to try it...if not, where do you buy Doctor whatshisname's stuff? :D

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LMAO! Dr Whathisname - you can find it at a few difference online stores, but I usually get it from Whole Foods/Sunflower Market/Trader Joe's/Central Market (I don't know what you have near you). WF, Sunflower and CM all sell both prepackaged Bronner's in the 5-6 scents that he has, but they also (which I LOVE) sell them by the ounce. They have gallons sitting out that you can take your own container (make sure the cashier weighs is before you fill it so you don't pay extra for the container weight) and pump away!

It's cheaper than buying the small packages, but if you want a LOT, it's cheaper to buy a gallon. You can buy a gallon through those stores, they'll order it for you, it's around $30-35 for the whole shebang. I use the unscented (they call it Baby Mild), and add my own EO to the base before I add the water.

Right now, I'm just not ready to start making liquid soap from scratch, just not something I want to mess with at the moment.

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