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Lotion Bar FO percentage?


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I've been looking at a couple of lotion bar recipes. It seems most recipes call for a huge percentage of FO. I've seen anywhere from 10% to 25%. Is that really safe? Just seems unusually high to me, since I use 1% in every other B&B product.

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For 6 oz of oils and bw I use at the most 1 T of FO, less for EO and strong FO, you don't want to go over because it leaves oily spots on the bars. It is hard to get used to scenting them heavier but they generally are not strong enough if you go to light. I did a lot of testing when I 1st started making them and I test every FO to see how much will be needed for that paticular FO


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I only add 1-2% maximum. Add more eo's or fo's to the product can be dangerous. With essential oils, it can really burn the skin and fo's can cause irritation as well. I would start on the low end and move slowly upward if you need too.


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I would tend to use the amount suggested by the fragrance oil supplier first before I would start using the high percentages that you have seen in recipes.

I think that perhaps sometimes recipes calling for 25% fragrance oils must be using very diluted fragrances.

That, or else people get confused when switching from one product to another. A room spray may call for 3 parts witch hazel and 1 part fragrance oil, for example, and maybe that's where people think it's cool to use 25% in other body products.

I'm not saying that it can't be done, but I can't imagine ever using that much f.o. in a lotion bar.

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