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No longer a soap virgin! *update,. Pics added*


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I know that some folks have used crisco, but I'm not sure what sap value they used because crisco is a combination of hydrogenated soybean oil and cottonseed oil. Maybe the sap value of those are the same, I haven't checked.

I agree with Eugenia, you soaped with too many soft oils. The only oil you can really do that with is olive oil, and then you have to let it cure for a long time before it gets hard.

Why don't you do one of two things: Either use the castille recipe Eugenia gave you, or go to the store and buy some lard. If you use crisco, you might have another failure. Whatever you do, don't give up. You're going to make some good soap, just keep trying.

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I've used crisco in smaller amounts in combination with palm, and had luck with it. However, the castile recipie that Eugina gave you is a really good starting point.

Don't give up on CP, it can take a few tries to get the process down pat, and even the most experienced soapers have failed bathces now and then, Eugina can confirm that one for you :).

Once you've had a good batch of soap, you will never be able to go back to irish spring or manufactured body was again. trust me :)

Also , just because an FO says it is soap or body safe, does not mean it will work with CP. Many FO's can cause your recipie to seize , they can morph ect. What soap safe means is that the FO will not irritate your skin if you use it in B&B products. I've seen lots and lots of people post sweet pea soap pics, give that one a shot.

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Let the soap sit some more because it could harden up enough with some time. I've had batches that turned out pretty soft but got hard enough with time to use at least for my own personal use. You can also rebatch this one too if you feel it didn't turn out. Don't give up - just keep trying and you'll get it soon enough. Look, if I can do this, ANYONE can do this. LOL :)

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Also on the old board if you have any peaks Fo's lying around we had a thread that we posted our results with peaks FO's in CP. Keep trying --- the castile when its ready to take out of the mold will still be kinda soft so dont drop it or anything.....let it sit out a day or two then cut it. Then wait 6 to 8 weeks and it will be hard as a brick. Keep your chin up you will get it right --- everyone makes mistakes besides thats where you learn!


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