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Prolem with Tarts

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I don't know what's going on but, with my recent batches of tarts there is a ring(circle) in the middle of my tarts.

I am using the tart/floaters, I use 100% soy flakes and beeswax.

They have never done this before. I'm wondering could it be from maybe me pouring them to hot??


Mindy :sad2:

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I have followed the directions for months now and that has been the first time it ever done that. But this is what it says melt to 170, add FO at 130, and pour at 110. I do have to say, since I have been waiting till it is slushy to pour into my tart molds, I haven't had that result since. I now pour at 100.

Mindy :tiptoe:

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I use the double boiler method, I'm banned from useing the presto pot. Because of a mis hap with it involving the fire department, which my bf is a member of. lol. I didn't burn anything down, but there was just alot of smoke.:laugh2:

I buy my wax from Natures Garden Candles.

Mindy :D

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I've had this problem at times, as well - and I noticed that the circle followed the architechture of the bottom of the tart tins I was using. I surmised that the wax that sat in the fluted parts of the tin would cool more quickly - since more of the tin surface was exposed to the cooler outside air. The middle portion of the mold has less exposure, thus cools more slowly. Rather like a radiator effect, I suppose. If the difference is great enough between the two areas of wax, and the wax is "brittle" enough you can get this crack. I have tried a few things - softer wax mixture, covering the cooling tarts to slow down heat loss and cooling in the oven (after preheating to about 100 or so). They all worked.

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Thanks for the tips, I'll try them out. I just made a batch today and they did the same darn thing. So I'll definitly try it out.

Don't worry about spelling with me, one time I wrote Satan Sheets instead of Satin Sheets. lol For some odd reason, the spell check doesn't work for me.


Mindy :grin2:

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Anyone interested in all soy tarts should try Golden Brands 416. This soy has the perfect melt point for tarts. It will still need to be poured around 90, but you will get no shrinkage, and a great hot and cold throw. You can purchase the 416 at:

Gateway- 1-877-220-1963

Makes Scents Candles-1-740-927-3526

Aztec- 1-865-588-5357

I promise if any of you like to make soy tarts you will be amazed by this soy. :D

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