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Slow cooling


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Well, some folks make up a bunch of candles at the same time and then you place them close to each other to help them stay warm longer. Make sure there are no drafts either. Some put an inverted cardboard box over their candles while they're cooling. Good luck!

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I have put mine in my oven to cool before. Worked good as I have a vent that blows right onto kitchen counter. I have also used boxes to cover them up. Really helps on small candles.

I wouldn't recommed that, unless you are sure put them on something that can hold all the wax if the molds should come unsealed and you have a spill. That happened to me. Got all over the inside of my gas oven, I had to take the whole thing apart, attempt to clean off all the parrafin and re-assemble it. Miracle it still works, but it hasn't been the same since, LOL.

I would pour really hot, then cover the tops w/ tin foil, it slowed the cooling enough to give a nice mottle.

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