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Container Wax Advice

Guest DeeDee

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I was using PEAK container wax blend- but since they don't sell it anymore, I need to try something else. The only two container blends (other than soy) that they sell are IGI 4627 Comfort Blend and 1945/4630A. I would appreciate any insight about the characteristics of each- I am not very experienced, and I'm not sure exactly what I am looking for. I was happy with the PEAK blend, but I honestly don't have anything to compare it to. I use 4 & 8 oz jelly jars, mostly- but have done a few other containers, too. I'm not trying to start any controversy over the best container wax- I am just interested in what the "selling points" are for different waxes, if anyone is willing to help me out.

Thanks! :smiley2:

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I have used them both and can tell you what my experiences have been. They are both decent waxes. Of course the comfort wax is messy to use but many people swear by it.....and even more people seem to use it as a blend with other waxes. I personally didn't care for it.

The 4630 is very easy to use. It is a one pour wax, no doubt, unless the diameter of the jar is really large..and even at that, a heat gun will do the trick. I had challenges with the throw ( I thought)...and went off on this long search for something better ( J223 and J50 ) I had several customers comment that they liked the FIRST candles...which were the 4630 (1945)

With this wax, I would recommend that you get it hot...180-185 and add the FO at that temp. If you add it cooler you could have challenges with the throw. Also, use COVERED containers! You WILL get wet spots even if you heat the jars. ( but I have found that to be true with all preblended paraffin waxes I have used)

This wax colors beautifully IMHO, cuts easily, colors easily, blends with FOs easily(even the heavy Vanillas)

I will say IMHO to stay away from the zinc wicks with this wax. It has a tendancy to be a "smoker" and the zincs only add to the challenge.

I will be interested in hearing what everyone else has to say. I know there are several people that use them both. You can do a search and find out a lot. There has been a lot of discussion about it. In search, try 1945, 4630 , comfort blend and harmony blend.

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Thanks for your responses so far. What wicks would you suggest- I had been using zinc, and the biggest problem I have is mushrooming with my current wax.

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I am a 4630 (1945) user and have found it to give me the best results of all of the other waxes I have tried including the comfort blend. The comfort blend was just harder for me to work with all around. I use the zinc wicks with the 1945 and found that they work best for me vs the LX, CD's, and the cotton. I have not tried the HTP, but I have a sampler pack to do so, just have never gotten around to it. I think I have been using this wax for about a year or close to it. There are a few scents that I have found that it doesn't throw with as much, but very few. It truly is so easy to work with, one pour, colors great, etc. I agree with Michael that it really FO should be added when it is around 175 or 180 and poured quickly thereafter. Good luck on your search.

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For me, 4630 was not a great wax. I couldn't get a good throw from it and it smoked terribly for me.

4627 has the BEST scent throw out there of any one-pour wax I've tried. But, it is harder to wick right and it has an icky consistency like vaseline (so it tends to get all over everything).

If I had to choose between the two, I would use 4627. However, I love J50 and would choose that over these two anyday.

Also, do a search on here and the old board because there should be quite a bit of info on these two waxes.

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I use the 4630 in my 9 oz oval hex and 8 oz square tins. I have only had complaints about the light scents not throwing well (like sunwashed linen). All my other FO's throw great, cold and hot. I use HTP wicks and have few problems except sooting if I don't trim them on schedule.

Yes, I have wet spots, but that's one reason I LOVE my tins. I add FO (1 oz pp) around 180 and pour at 160. It has worked well for me.


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Comfort blend all the way for me. I get the best cold/hot throw from this wax. I tried 1945 and could not get a good cold or hot throw from it. I also blended comfort and 1945 cold/hot throw was ok but does not come close when I use comfort blend alone. HTH

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Comfort blend for me thanks. Awesome throw, both hot and cold. You just learn to work with the messies. I started using a hot knife to section it out, so it's great now since I no longer have to wear it. I do blend with soy as a personal preference. It seems to cut down on the soot and mushrooming and doesn't affect the throw for me at all, but it took a lot of testing to find the perfect ratio to get the throw back to normal.

Heat to 185, pour around 165-170 and it seems to do pretty well. Pour too hot and you'll have giant underground craters that swallow your wicks. I have noticed some braining on the tops of the last group of containers I poured. I hear a heat gun takes care of it, but I'd like to find out the cause.

I use HTP's, CD's and LX's with this wax. It really just depends on the FO's I'm using. I seem to get a stronger throw using the CD's for most of my oils.

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