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coffe pots/decanter for pour pots

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I just did a search and couldnt find anything on this on this site.... I could have sworn I had read it on this site but maybe not - searching everywhere for info lately. Anywho,,, has anyone ever used glass coffee pots/decanter (the things you make household coffee in) for pour pots. I read somewhere they work great and if bought at a thrift store make it cost :) to have 1 pot per scent. sounds great to me.

And --- if I did end up having 1 pot (coffee things or real pour pots) for each scent... the point would be to leave the remaining wax in the pot for next time. If all scents/pots were placed in the same closet would it greatly cause harm or distort all the scents. Any input would be great. Thank you all again.

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Yes you can use glass coffee pots but not on direct heat. You have to set them in a double boiler. I used one from Goodwill for a while until it broke. Went back to metal. No I wouldn't leave scented wax in them and just set them in a closet. It is so easy to pour excess wax out into a Dixie cup if nothing else and seal in a freezer ziplock bag.

I think you are over thinking this. You just need a couple of pour pots. They are very easy to clean between uses. If cost is the issue just use coffe cans in the beginning. Or get a Michaels 40% off coupon and buy one there. With the coupon the cost is fairly reasonable since you don't have to pay for shipping.

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Ok you talked me out of it. I currently have 2 of the good normal pour pots I got from my supplier. Maybe if anything I'll just buy a couple more so I can just use them flip em over and bake at 200 and wipe out thing - 4 should fit in my oven and maybe give me some time between cleanings. appreciate the time for inputs. :smiley2:

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Ok you talked me out of it. I currently have 2 of the good normal pour pots I got from my supplier. Maybe if anything I'll just buy a couple more so I can just use them flip em over and bake at 200 and wipe out thing - 4 should fit in my oven and maybe give me some time between cleanings. appreciate the time for inputs. :smiley2:

I'd bake them at more like 150. That will melt most waxes, without melting the plastic handle. :)

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I still use coffee cans as pour pots. I used to use the double boiler method with the coffee can, old pan and jelly jar ring lids inside the pan to lift the coffee can. Since then I now have a presto pot but have still been using the coffee cans. The only problem is that now they have begun putting a ring around the inside of the can which can make pouring a little more difficut. I cover the cans with wax paper and rubber band if I have left over wax. Has worked for me for many years and is inexpensive. I asked friends to save cans in the beginning which helped me to accumulate enough for all my scents. Just a suggestion.

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i used to use a coffee decanter to pour votives. it was easier for me to do the repours with it vs the 4lb pour pot. then i got the smaller pour pot and it works good too, but i still prefer the coffee decanter for the repours.

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We use the coffee decanters and have for 4 years. Couldn't do without them. Occassionaly one breaks, but no big deal. We buy them new from Walmart. To clean them, we just turn them over on a cookie sheet and newspaper in a 180 degree oven and then just wipe them out. The glass is great for checking colors, mixing, pouring, and they can be put on a warmer for heating.

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...have still been using the coffee cans. The only problem is that now they have begun putting a ring around the inside of the can which can make pouring a little more difficut.....

I take this ring off with a hand held can opener that leave a smooth 'no cut' edge. My opener is from Pampered Chef but I have seen a cheaper version at BB&B.



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I love the internet for the mass amount of difference in what works. What works for one doesnt for all. I'll see what I decide, the no cleaning aspect sounds great and for the most part I am rather careful so maybe the breaking wouldnt be that big of an issue. Thanks again for all you input, glad to hear what works for all of you.

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Ok you talked me out of it. I currently have 2 of the good normal pour pots I got from my supplier. Maybe if anything I'll just buy a couple more so I can just use them flip em over and bake at 200 and wipe out thing - 4 should fit in my oven and maybe give me some time between cleanings. appreciate the time for inputs. :smiley2:

I use my heat gun and wipe out with paper towels.

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For cleaning I just stick it back in the water for 30 seconds (Double boiler) and wipe out with paper towels, quick and easy. For excess wax, depending on the amount, I line a bowl with foil and pour, wait until hard, wrap the excess foil around it and place in a ziplock and label. If it's just a little bit I pour into a votive cup with pin, when solid, I pull on the pin to remove then place in ziplock and label. Or just throw it out if it's something I wont be using again. Or throw it in my tart burner.

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I am rather careful so maybe the breaking wouldnt be that big of an issue. Thanks again for all you input, glad to hear what works for all of you.

I will say my coffee pot that broke was used for 5 months or so before it ever cracked, plus I get them at the thrift store for $.50 each so no biggie, just a mess to clean up the wax that spilled everywhere!!

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