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Just have to share- update


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Hi All, just wanted to share my good news and to send the good luck fairy your way.

I did a show last october where I met this lady, she purchased a lot of candle and some BB stuff from me, amout $80 worth, anyway she told me then that she was a professor at a beauty school and she wanted me to come in and do a demonstration for her class, I agreed right :yay: , anyway I did not here from her for awhile, so I just thought yeah she was b###sh##ting me, so time passed obviously and I forgot all about it, anyway last week she called me up out of the blue :shocked2: and say the class has started and she wanted me to come in and bring lots of stuff, because she has been telling everyone about me and theyr'e all excited about my visit, it turns out these classes start every six weeks and she wants me to come to do the demonstartion and sell stuff at each new class, another one of the teacher has asked for her class to join in on the first demonstration next week and then she wants to book her own demonstration class every six weeks also. I am so freaking excited, I hope I will get lots of new customers from this and book other classes.

Didn't mean to be so long, I just hope I don't mess it up.

Any advice will be appprecitaed.



Well I just came back from doing my presentation and it went very well. I did $150 in sales plus $100 in orders. I also had a few more booking schedule.

Their were people coming in from other classes to purchase stuff, so two more of the teachers want to book me for their class.

It seem like its going to be an ongoing thing, they have a nail class, a skin class and of course the hair. Well I will be doing the nail and skin classes for all 3 teachers.

Anyway my biggest sellers today was my body scrub, shea butter and candles, only sold 3 soaps.

Thanks for all of you that wished me well.


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Thats exciting. What exactly are they wanting you to demonstrate?

From my understanding, just to bring in my products, talk about how I got started and such, have some testers for them to try.

She also suggested that I make a game like giving out little samples to people who participated interactively , by asking questions and by also being able to give like a brief summary about my business. I hope that make sense.

From what I have read about home parties, this seems familiar. Only not in a home setting:) , but I guess I am getting them at the right place, when they are learning about skin care and its importance.


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At the college where I work, our Human Resources dept set up the same type of demonstration for our "Health and Wellness" day. The owner/instructor brought in samples of lotions and other items she sold. (it was about a year ago so my memory is fuzzy :rolleyes2 ) She also brought a brochure that listed all the product she sold with her address and website listed.

Good Luck to you!

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