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Which design do you like better?


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Which is more appealing to you (from a customer point of view)

This is my old page:


And here is my possible new one:


Now bear in mind the 2nd one is not ready, so there are no links yet. It is just a draft to see what you think. I dont want to design a whole new site if it is a flop. TIA

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Sweet Thanks ya'll!! I think it looks a bit less colorfull especially put right up against the other one. I am still going to play around some more and maybe add colored fonts on the sides or something. :cool2:

Robin, send that cold weather down here, we are a chilly 75 degrees :cry2:

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Guest EMercier

I really like the second one. If you could just put those colors over there, you'll be good to go!

Sidebar - - Chilly 75!? Try it felt like 17 this morning! :)

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Hi Tess,

Some words from a drip for what it's worth :)

I know this isn't from a customer's point of view but can I ask why you are changing? Were you not getting enough hits from your old site?

I do know that the asp websites are picked up faster by the search engines. I also read (and had some experience with) the pages built with templates are not search engine friendly. Sometimes the templates do look better but if it doesn't general traffic then what good is it?

I just thought you might like the info so you can check it out yourself before you take the plunge...

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I like having the background color, but the reason I am changing it to a white is because it makes my product pictures look really dull, and I also want to be able to crop the item (say a container) and make it look kind of floaty I guess is the word.

TLC actually the 2nd site is my own work. The 1st site is the one with the template. I get plenty of hits but no customers buying off the site. I am trying to get the customers to actually buy from the site in lieu of calling me directly. I guess maybe the "warmth" of the original page was too inviting lol. I still have some playing around to do, so suggestion and critiques are appreciated!! Thanks all!

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