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FO formuations for different products

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Hi everyone, hope you‘re all happy and healthy!

I‘ve been lurking for a while and really appreciate all of the knowledge you all share, thank you!


One thing that I haven‘t been able to find much information about anywhere on the internet is specific FO formulations for different product types. 

Most FO‘s I‘ve come across are supposed to work for various types of scented products - candles, soaps, air fresheners etc. all at the same time. 

Of course different percentages would be used depending on the product to make it skin safe and such, but the „one size fits all“ approach didn‘t really satisfy me.

I then came across this video by AFI and it would make sense that different product types would require different FO formulations to perform ideally.

So I‘ve found a few suppliers that stock FO for candles ONLY and they perform great. However we‘re looking to rebrand and add different product types to the lineup, which leaves me wondering if sourcing different types of FO formulations in the same scent to make various product types work perfectly, worth it.


I did some digging and found scent manufacturers instead of just large resellers and they carry oils for their various purposes.

However their MOQ are pretty hard for us to do right now (about 25kg per scent).


So my long-winded question would be..

does anyone have experience with product specific FO formulations?

Knowledge about their performance or any other knowledge regarding this?


Thanks, hope you all have a great day!

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If you want to make multiple products but don’t have the current volume (or projected within your business model’s time line), then using a single oil is not the worst idea. A product does not have to perform perfectly to be fully acceptable. 

having one oil also reduces the chance that the wrong keg is used - like the candle keg for a skin product, for example. Human error is the most common booboo.

when you grow to need multiple kilos at a time, perhaps specializing fragrance by application would be a great business decision. 

just hit up your lab to make the best FO for your current applications. I have MANY that perform excellently (is that a word?) across different product lines. 

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Thank you so much for taking the time to respond, @TallTayl
I wanted to confirm that using different formulations is something companies actually do before sinking any more time into researching and subsequently driving myself insane. 

And thank you for easing my anxiety on selling perfect products only 😅

We‘ll definitely have to wait to make the move but it may be worth considering. 
Do you notice any considerable change in performance of your products? 
Would you mind pointing me into the direction of the suppliers for the versatile oils (totally okay if you’re not comfortable)

PS. Excellently is a word 😋

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Not a seller here but more of a hobbiest but have been making candles, melts and lotions for over 15yrs.  I get my FO from various candle suppliers, i.e, Candle Science, Bramble Berry, Rustic Essentials & Lone Star.  When reviewing the oils from the various suppliers, they will say if the FO is ''body safe" and I rarely purchase an oil that cannot be used in lotions along with candles. (why waste my money on a scent that can't be used for both?)  and of course the amount of FO used in the various products will be different.


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10 hours ago, Pam W said:

Not a seller here but more of a hobbiest but have been making candles, melts and lotions for over 15yrs.  I get my FO from various candle suppliers, i.e, Candle Science, Bramble Berry, Rustic Essentials & Lone Star.  When reviewing the oils from the various suppliers, they will say if the FO is ''body safe" and I rarely purchase an oil that cannot be used in lotions along with candles. (why waste my money on a scent that can't be used for both?)  and of course the amount of FO used in the various products will be different.


Hey Pam, thank you for taking the time to reply! 
We‘ll stick to FOs that work across products for now as well, the reason to change to specific formulations would be better performance. But we‘ll cross that bridge when we come to it 😋

Thanks again, hope you had a Merry Christmas !

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