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Wax and wicks

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Hi so I’m new to all this candle making! I sell candles for a lady and they smell so good but she will not tell me how to make them so I’ve started experiencing on my own! I have 6006 and 4630 and parasoy 600 on the way! I use 14oz cube glass 7.25oz cube and 22 oz cube jars mostly! But I’m looking for suggestions on wicks for these waxes! I’m wanting a really good strong hot throw! I’ve tried a few HTp and cds and LXs and I can’t figure it out! I’m waiting on premier wicks to come in and wooden! Any suggestions foe the 4630 would be great because it gives the strongest hot throw so far!! And parasoy 600 wick suggestions! Diameters of containers are 3inch to 4inch! I’ve tried 7-11% fragrance oil and letting them cure for a week! And still no hot throw on most! I heat to 200 add FO around 170-160 and pour between 165-155! I need help with wicks and what size wicks to use apparently can’t go by any charts on websites!! And I’m running low on funds!! 

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The square jars are the hardest to wick.  Between the uneven diameter and the taper it is easy to overwick, which causes trouble toward the bottom. Overwicking for the top can result in a fire or or shattered glass in the last inch of the candle. In those jars I would encourage taller safety wick tabs (9mm tabs).  The taller neck on the tab will leave 1/3” or slightly more unburned.

I would choose one of those waxes to learn, and one fragrance. Since you like 4630, I would try 6% fragrance load. More is not always better when it comes to candles. The right wick makes all the difference.

If single wicking, I would be inclined to start at cd 10 and go up or down from there depending on how the fragrance burns. 


if double wicking, I would place two  cd 5 or cd6 along the diagonal and go up or down from there. 

likewise, the fragrance source makes a difference. Every fragrance supplier will have good ones and duds. It takes time to find the FO that work for your candle setup, and time to tease out the best, safest product for your customers. 

get yourself an infrared thermometer an take temperature readings of the glass as you test.  If you hit 175*F at any point during a burn reconsider your wick choice.  Read up on power burns and product liability  insurance (if you do not already have that in place).


this is a fun hobby once you get the hang of balancing all the variables! It can be a very expensive journey to master, but rewarding in the end when it all comes together. 

best of luck! Let us know how your testing goes. 

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Thank you so much! I appreciate the very detailed response! I will take everything into consideration! Do you have any suggestions with double wicking with premiere and zinc? I’m also trying wood wicks starting with medium! Thank you again! Greatly appreciated!

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I suggest this -


Pick one wax 4630

Pick a container - I would start from beginning and use a round one, squares are very hard to wick and candlemaking can be complicated enough

Pick your favorite fragrance

Pour testers without wicks into container 3/4 full. You will use skewers and insert wicks to compare in container.

Use 6 -7  per cent fragrance load

Keep it simple and take notes


If you are new to candlemaking dont jump around with waxes and wicks. Get the basics down, learn the wax, fragrance oil loads and wicks.


You will learn how to wick a candle properly, use the right amount of fragrance for your wax and learn your waxes or waxes.


NOT all fragrances work with waxes. Some are better than others.


Read the forums

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Thank you! I’m trying to get the wax with the best hot throw and I know my scents already Butt naked, bird of paradise, amber romance and Creme brûlée! I think I’m really just having wick problems because candles gibe a good cold throw I’ve only used 6006 and 4630 so far!! Have pro blend 600 on the way! I’m waiting on wicks to come In to try them but all the ones I’ve tried so far have very little hot throw and some none and I’ve used all the HTp cd eco and Lx wicks with different amounts of FO 7-11%! I need help or something!! 

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