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Rancid/Bad Wax?


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Ok here is a first for me. I'm a almost 17 year candlemaking veteran and have NEVER had this happen.

I purchased some wax a month ago (July 21st) and on Saturday (August 22nd) I finally got around to opening the boxes. Immediately I was greeted by a nasty "old cooking oil" stench! I mean it was NASTY. Like Vegetable Oil that sat in a cupboard for a few years! So, after the first OMG what now reaction and several attempts to not gag...I scooped out a few ounces and melted them in one of my presto post, hoping the stench would fade...BUT....it made it worse and my whole house stunk! Laaaawd have mercy! *shudder*
I then proceeded to mix some FO in, again hoping it would help but it didn't. I poured some tarts and melted them the next day....and while the rancidness was diminished, I could still smell it. 

Contacted the supplier and haven't heard back at all...which is unusual as he always gets back to me within a few hours.
I don't know what to make of this. 

Has anyone ever had this happen...and if so...is there a way to somehow save this wax? 

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9 hours ago, NightLight said:

I have some coconut easy beads, and I cannot work with the stuff. It smells like canola oil which I can smell a million miles away! It’s not just you!

UGH. Does the smell disappear when you add fragrance?

This stuff here really smells bad. Like rancid oil. And fragrance oil doesn't help. Makes it smell like even worse. BLEGH.
It's getting tossed today. Used it for 3 years and never had this happen.
Good thing I started switching to another wax 3 months ago.  

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