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Update on Candle Class

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I wanted to give everyone an update on the candle making class I had today at Green Leaf Candle Supply in Grand Prarie, Texas.

I made my very first Pillars today!!!! Waaa HOOOO You should see them! ( and you will if I can figure out how to get it off the memory stick and onto the computer:rolleyes2 ) I was plesantly surprised at how well it turned out! We did Pillars, Votives and tarts. We got to choose our molds, colors and fragrances!

I called yesterday to get driving instructions and I knew that these people were going to be NICE! I was absolutely right!

All the people at Green Leaf could not have been friendlier or more professional ( without being stuffy) . I felt right at home throughout the entire class. ( which lasted much longer than I paid for.....our 2 hour class lasted 4.5! ) I appreciated them being organized and well prepared for us. All the materials were layed out, data printed, and the teacher was ready for the students! I learned so much about EVERYTHING! They are definately well informed and more than willing to share their knowledge and answer any questions we had. It was so cool to have a serious, hands-on class that was also FUN!

I would highly recommend to anyone that loves to learn, to take advantage of these classes. I think the way it was presented, that everyone could gain from it...beginners and experieced chandlers as well.

Their wax blends are awesome! You guys are going to LOVE them! Classes, products, and CUSTOMER SERVICE is A+!!

For those of you that are planning to attend in the future...I'll see ya there! I'm going back for MORE!:drool:


The Dallas Dean

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That sounds great, Michael! Sure wish I was close enough to participate in something like that. I'm comfortable with votives and tarts, but have never made a pillar. I bought a bunch of molds off classifieds months ago, but for some reason, all I have to do is pick one up and my throat closes up and my palms get sweaty:rolleyes2 . That makes absolutely no sense, but I have some sort of mental block about doing them. I guess it's all the beautiful pix in the gallery; all the discussions about mottles, rustics, additives... it sounds overwhelming, and that intimidates me. Maybe one of these days :grin2:

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I know exactly what you mean. Everything sounded so complex. ( that, AND I don't even like burning pillars:shocked2: )

It was fun having someone guide me through it. They will be fun to make and give away. I made two HOT PINK palm wax pillars tonight. ( Large ones!) No clue how they will turn out. The surprise will be tomorrow.I bought only two molds to see if I am going to enjoy doing this as much as I enjoy containers.Maybe you could go to a convention or something Carol?

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Thanks for all the kinds words Michael! I am so happy that you liked the class. I had SO much fun. You are great to talk to.

I look forward to seeing you at class next week. I'll try not to talk your ear off this time and keep you so long :)

I have no doubt that you will do great on the pillars. You know who to call if you have problems!



Green Leaf Candle Supply

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OK Sherie....I'll give it a shot...BUT keep in mind that I am NOT a photographer...AND, these are the very first Pillars I have ever made, and the THIRD batch of Votives!...SO, don't expect too much.

I will try and figure out how to get them in the Gallery. If it calls for resizing, I may have a birthday before I figure that out...here goes!

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