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Shea & Emu Oil info. on products


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I know that we can not print information that would make health claims but I have noticed that alot of sites that sell lotion/whipped shea or a combo. of shea & Emu also include information about it being used for eczema, rash, burns... I know that alot of people are not familiar with Emu oil so how would we tell them about benefits of use without getting into trouble? For those of you that make products with Emu and/or Shea what type of info. do you include with your products?

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Not that long ago, my mom and I went to a farmers' market and there was a lady there selling her B&B and candles, and she was selling an emu oil serum and lotion or something like it, and she had a big print out from her supplier, and she actually handed it to me, so I could read up on the emu oil benefits.

What's wrong with doing that? Did I miss something?

I wonder if you worded it like, "This MAY help with certain afflictions, such as exema, rashes, burns, etc." ???? Or "this product has been KNOWN to help with certain afflictions, etc." ????

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Thanks for the responding! I was thinking the same thing as Michi & Lin. Copying the actually articles from magazines and such and giving those as the source for info. If I understand it correctly the possible problem occurs when you actually place the "health benefits" or claims on the product itself.

Which is totally fine with me. I can just imagine someone returning the product saying "You told me it would cure my rash, eczema, relieve pain..."

DH returned home with a interesting product that was being given away with a purchase at the gas station of all places. The product label is very interesting. I won't say the name but it actually states that it relieves pain quickly in the title. Here is what is written on the label

"Forumulated with over 40 of Natures Ingredients that have overlapping qualities to help stop pain." Including: Emu Oil, Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate, Menthol, Capsicum, peppermint oil, & MSM."

Notice the wording, "Formulated with over 40 of Natures Ingredients" and not all are listed. The word "Including" tells me that somewhere in that mix of the 40 ingredients there is Emu oil not necessarly the main ingredient just because it is listed first. Very tricky labeling in my opinion. Here is the best part. The Caution label states "Keep away from eyes, mouth and children. Use common sense for safety and use.":laugh2: Not too long ago on a post concerning caution labels for candles we joked that maybe there should be instructions for common sense use. Well, someone actually did it.

Thanks for the help. I'll print information from other sources and use that with the product.

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