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Wet Spots? Will these go away?

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I poured 48 beautiful soy candles and shipped priority mail to a shop in another state the boxes came to her really beat up with six broken candles even though I had package very carefullyy then the ones that weren’t broke looked like this I have seen larger wet spots but this is like wherever the crinkle paper touched the glass it got spots I feel I’ll as it will be a major cost to me to replace or refund and I want to know what happened I have shipped before all the way to London with no issues these candles cured 2 weeks before ship I did not bubble wrap as this customer prefers all natural recyclable and i got crinkle paper but it looks like chicken pox in the candles. Do you think these spots will go away has anyone seen this before when shipping, ugggg shipping candles is not easy....





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Wet spots are super common and tend to crop up more when candles go through different temperature changes. For example, if they are stored in one temperature, then put on a cold mail truck for transport, and then moved back into a warmer environment, it can cause wet spots to crop up. This is a common nuisance for all candle makers. If you go look at candles for sale in any store you will see the same issue :( The good news out of it is that it does not affect the strength or burn of the candle. However, they are definitely annoying from an aesthetic standpoint for your products. 

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i am speechless! Never seen leopard spot type wet spots before and I've seen a lot of wet spots on my own candles.


I think you may be right in that the packaging may have affected the temp inside the shipping box.


When shipping I first wrap my candles in heavy bubble wrap and then place inside a box full of peanuts. Both the bubble wrap and peanuts help to insulate the candle to help protect against temp variations especially in high summer heat.


If you have to replace them explain to your customer the reason you use the packaging you do and don't compromise on what you know works. I think if the customer understands the reason they may agree.


As far as damaged product was the package insured? If so you may be able to collect damages so its not a total loss. Every package I ship is insured. You just never know what will happen to it en route.

Edited by Candybee
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