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PIllar Candles w/ Wick Assemblies -- But no Wick Pins??

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Hey all!


I'm a general crafter of many things, my next adventure is candles (and perfumes). I craft for myself, if that's important, so I'm not buying in massive batches and am on a budget. So I'm looking to make 3" pillar candles. Like another poster here I'm buying IGI 4625. In her post many people recommended the LX 24 wick for a 3" pillar with this wax. I'll be putting in an order at CandleScience for those wicks and the 3x4.5 mold. In all the pillar making videos they have spooled wicks, but this wick is an assembly. I can't for the life of me figure out how people are using this wick without a wick pin. Are you just cutting off the assembly? I can't seem to find wick pins for taller pillars anymore, and, if I'm thinking about it correctly, it might not work with a concave mold anyway (??). TLDR -- wick suggestions, or what to do with this wick?

PS: My fiance is a person who will probably burn these for too long, no matter how much I tell him not to. 5-7 hrs would not be unheard of. But I'd rather have to keep reminding him than have candles with a small pool, wasted wax, and shorter scent throw, so keep in mind when recommending wicks/spools. Also, while I'm here, I know this wax needs no additives, but any tips on more scent throw are appreciated. We like the "in your face" scents. =)

Edited by adntigger710
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Wow, why are these wick pins so scarce?  I bought mine years ago and they were in abundance!

I just googled and all I see are votive pins.


I may be able to gift you 1 or 2.  Not sure that will help you, but it would be a start.

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2 minutes ago, debratant said:

Links to some wick pins, surprisingly, these seem to be the only game in town


I bought mine years ago from peak.




They only have votive size. =( Would wick pins work with a concave mold anyway? Would love to know what others are doing with molds like this and assemblies, or if there's a better wick choice for me here.


@TallTayl , it would, lol. I've always loved the scent of certain candles, I've called them "Man Candles." Of course there are a few businesses/products with that name now, haha.

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I use untabbed in my beeswax pillars. Just run the spooled wick through the hole, affix a piece of high temp metal tape and pour. It self primes in the mold.  Then when the candle burns down to that last inch the stub of the wick tips over and self extinguishes. 

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Yes, wick pins do work with concave.  Here is a video on how it works, however, they don't appear to have any to order.




I moved away from wick pins and went to flat braid, 30 ply. I wick them as shown below in the vid


You could just order the tabbed and cut them off and wick the mold like they show here



I just use metal tape that you can get at a hardware store, to tape off the bottom (top) so the wax doesn't leak out.


hope I am making sense.


Also...I would get a size up and a size down from the lx 24

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I find wick pins work better with concave pillar molds than the flat bottom molds myself, but have stopped using them for the most part, as for me the wick hole they left was a bit too large for my wick, and it was 'sloppy' in the there until after the first burn. It's easier for me to just use my home made jiffy wicker, and my spooled wick in the mold. 

I use 4625 as one of my primary pillar waxes, and find a 24 ply flat braid works the best for my 3 inch diameter candles. This will leave a hugable shell around the parameter but thick enough that there are no blowouts, and pliable that after every burn you can hug/bend the wax so all the pillar gets consumed. 

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Hobby Lobby carries the 6" pins for the 4" molds and the small ones for votives. I was told that they no longer make the other pins. If you have access to a drill press you will never need a wick pin again.  Or if you know some one handy maybe you can get them to make you this


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