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Ring of HT

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I'm new to candle making. Does anyone experience a "ring" of hot throw? I'm testing votives and it seems that at about 10 feet away, I smell the fragrance. However, when I'm within that 10 feet, I don't seem to smell anything. I would have thought I'd smell the fragrance more as I moved towards the candle. I've asked others what they smell and they seem to have the same experience. Help!

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WHERE you place your candles for testing can be a biggie.  When I burn candles I have noticed that the noticeable scent throw depends on where I have placed the candle in relation to where the A/C return is.  I can burn a candle in the living room and smell absolutely nothing (a/c return is in the LR) but if I place the candle in the bathroom (middle of the house) the scent is pulled throughout the house.   If I'm burning a candle in my bedroom, I can smell it in the backyard........how's that for scent throw???? 


Experiment:  open all your doors, light an incense stick, walk around the house with it and watch which way the natural draft takes the smoke remembering that heat RISES.  Good example is if you have a two story house you can burn a candle in the lower level and smell absolutely nothing but if you go upstairs...BINGO...heat rises and takes the scent with it.  



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Hmmm, I've been test burning in my living room with 9 ft ceilings and there is an A/C return close by. I will definitely do the incense experiment and try testing in different locations. Thanks so much for the advice! I've been feeling very frustrated lately. I haven't found one soy/FO combo that has yielded a strong hot throw. :(

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You definitely need some air current, or movement in the area. Humid, heavy air makes the candle smell less strong too. The scentedair, in my house, settles low. Remember a few weeks back I smelled the candles burning down in the basement versus up in the house where they were actually burning?

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Definitely a science and an art! I haven't found a good location to test burn yet.  My basement may be too cold, my living room with the air return, and the past week has been rainy and humid. I can't seem to catch a break! Cold throw for all my tests are great, just no hot throw. Tried different soy waxes, FOs, FO% (between 3-6%), FO addition temps, pour temps, wicks, molds and containers.  AAAAARRRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!


Will keep trying. I'm frustrated but determined at the same time. Thanks for the advice. Please keep them coming!

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So far, I've tried Soy 125, 444, Cargill C-3, EcoSoya Q230 from Candlewic. Ordered 464 and 415 to try. I've been getting good MP with a cotton core wick. I don't know the size since the description doesn't say it (Viva Quality) made for votives and small containers.


I made some votives and testing a C-3, C-4, RRD-29 and RRD-34. I ordered an LX wick sampler and ECO sampler to try too. I'm doing votives and 4 oz tins because they're more economical for now. I've tried adding FOs at higher temps (~170-180) and lower temps (150 and lower) with no discernible difference in HT. I've also ordered FOs from different manufacturers to see if some are more concentrated or work better.


So far, I've only burn tested the Soy 125,  444 and EcoSoya Q230 waxes. I've tested (2 day curing-2 weeks) candles with no scent difference. Just poured the Cargill C-3 tonight so I have to wait to test that.


Any combo to try would be much appreciated.

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Thank you for the suggestion, Pam. Finally smelled the scent when I burned it in the kitchen and bathroom. Still not a strong scent but that may be due to the FO itself or the wick. I had a votive holder that I poured with excess Soy 125 wax with a RRD-29 wick to test. Apple Harvest from CS, cured for about 6 days. Pleasant light scent. Just happy I actually smelled it during burning. ;)

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1 hour ago, LRed said:

Thank you for the suggestion, Pam. Finally smelled the scent when I burned it in the kitchen and bathroom. Still not a strong scent but that may be due to the FO itself or the wick. I had a votive holder that I poured with excess Soy 125 wax with a RRD-29 wick to test. Apple Harvest from CS, cured for about 6 days. Pleasant light scent. Just happy I actually smelled it during burning. ;)

The RRD29 is suggested on the WickIt.net recommendations page for a votive, however, these burn tests and suggestions are based on paraffin wax. I don't have any experience with your soy125, but have worked with many different soy blends and have learned that soy usually requires a wick 1-2-3 sizes bigger than the paraffin recommendations. 


Based on that alone, I would wick up for sure and see if your hot throw improves. If you can smell it with your rrd29, the next size up, rrd34 should make a difference in hot throw without compromising too much on the melt pool. I'd also make one in the 37 at the same time and burn them together to watch how the wick performs and save some time. 


I always trim the RRD wick super short before the first lighting. 



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Hi TallTayl.  Thanks for the info! The RRD29 melt pool was okay.  Didn't reach to the edge though so I'm a little afraid wicking up to 34 may burn down too deep but I will definitely test it. I think I just need to be a little patient and wait another day or so before testing. That way, it would have cured for about a week. The Soy 125 seems creamy and a little soft so it may look nice in a tin. I'll post some pics when I burn them. Stay tuned!!

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Yup, my melt pool with the RRD29 did not reach the edge after a 3 hr first burn. I will try with a RRD34. I have had a good melt pool and consistent flame with no mushrooming or any carbon balls with a cotton core wick with all my votives.  I'm going to retest all my previous candles at different locations to see if it changes my perception of scent throw. Thanks, TallTayl!

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