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Is it vybar or is it the FO type? or something else?

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Hello everyone. Hope everyone's day is going well. Here is my question. Okay so I made two candles, one with vybar I bought at Michael's (only because I didn't realize i was out) and the other without. I used the left over wax I had which was 6006 and the same size tins and same wick. I used two different FO's one being sun washed linen and the other was dragons blood. When it was time to burn them, the sun washed linen burned so well, not a bit of wax on the sides, which that one had the vybar. The other, left wax along the sides, it didn't tunnel, but then again, leaving any wax around the sides isnt a pretty sight. So my question is, could vybar really of made that difference or could it of been the thickness of the fragrance oil used (dragons blood) I cant imagine that Michael's vybar would make such a difference! Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! 

sun washed linen and dragons blood.jpg

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Could be the FO or the vybar, or a combination of both. Every different additive introduced will result in your candle burning just a bit differently. This is why it's so important to test every variant, including if that variant is only a different FO. 

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That's a lot of variable changing at once.


fragrances can dramatically change the burn. I have a few fragrances that need to be wicked up 3-4 sizes and a small few that actually need to be wicked down from an unscented size. 


Have never used vybar, so can't comment on that.

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My guess is the fo.  You really don't need to add vybar to 6006 , it has all the additives already.


Try making the candles without the vybar and see what happens.  My guess , you have to wick up with the Dragon's Blood.

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If you used the same size wick for both fragrances I would also say it's most definite the dragons blood and you need to wick it up

never used vybar either but when testing new scents you may want to try 2-3 different wick sizes because all fragrance does not burn the same 


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THANK YOU, For ALL your replies. I really appreciate it. Last night I spent a great deal of time thinking it has to be the Dragons Blood, and came to the conclusion that most of you experts out there already knew, which was the viscosity of the fragrance oil can play a part of how a candle will burn. Lesson learned is to weigh the oil before you wick it! And of course, I did not give it a thought about the coloring could also play a part in how a candle will burn. Its kinda funny some people think its easy, just pour the wax and BAM! there's a candle! There is a lot of variables that goes into making a good candle. Again, Thanks for your replies and kindness. 

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23 hours ago, Laurie66 said:

Hello everyone. Hope everyone's day is going well. Here is my question. Okay so I made two candles, one with vybar I bought at Michael's (only because I didn't realize i was out) and the other without. I used the left over wax I had which was 6006 and the same size tins and same wick. I used two different FO's one being sun washed linen and the other was dragons blood. When it was time to burn them, the sun washed linen burned so well, not a bit of wax on the sides, which that one had the vybar. The other, left wax along the sides, it didn't tunnel, but then again, leaving any wax around the sides isnt a pretty sight. So my question is, could vybar really of made that difference or could it of been the thickness of the fragrance oil used (dragons blood) I cant imagine that Michael's vybar would make such a difference! Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! 

sun washed linen and dragons blood.jpg

Is that undissolved vybar in the yellow candle I am seeing?

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No, my husband opened my cabinet to grab scissors and my glitter fell out of the cabinet, and it went everywhere! I wasnt about to go digging every spec out.  The counter was a mess the floor was a mess... Sorry about that being shown. 

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