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Jelly Jar Getting Too Hot

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Hi! I am new to candle making and new to this forum.:) I am making candles with 8 oz jelly jars from Candle Science. I'm using 464 wax and my latest candle was made with Sex on the Beach FO, also from Candle Science. I used a CD 10 wick and I let the candle burn for about 4 hours to see what would happen. The wick mushroomed alot, and the jar was really hot to the touch, like too hot to pick up. I've read here that that means the wick is too big, but it seems like during the first half of the burn if I went any smaller it would be way too small. Any advice? Should I try different wicks? Could it just be this particular FO? Thank you!

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464 is a very soft wax and CD's do burn on the hot side 

I would try the 8 and if you can get some CDN's try a 8 and a 10 in those 

your using the standard jelly?


Or you could try the HTP in a 83 or 93 and see if you like those better or even premier I think many use on here with that wax 

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Don't worry about the top of the jar.  Wick for the bottom of the jar.  Since a jelly jar tapers, you'll want some hangup at the top.  It will melt off as your candle burns further down.  If you have a full melt pool early, your jar will be too hot further down the jar.   I used Premier wicks in 464, and they worked really well in that wax.  Good luck!

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10 hours ago, bfroberts said:

Don't worry about the top of the jar.  Wick for the bottom of the jar.  Since a jelly jar tapers, you'll want some hangup at the top.  It will melt off as your candle burns further down.  If you have a full melt pool early, your jar will be too hot further down the jar.   I used Premier wicks in 464, and they worked really well in that wax.  Good luck!

Thank you! I kept reading, mostly on supplier sites, that you should have a full melt pool after about 2 hours, so I did have a full melt pool early. I'm so happy I found this site!  I'll try the Premier too :) Thanks again!

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1 hour ago, Trappeur said:

Ditto exactly what everyone just said.  Those are the exact wicks I use too and wax and it will work.  Also, how long have  your candles cured for?

That does make a difference.



Thank you! I know I just have to keep trying! I let this batch of candles cure for two weeks. I was having a really hard time getting any hot throw just doing a week or so cure, so these I let go a full two weeks. I had been hoping that trying the CD wicks, plus the cure time, that these candles would be "the ones." The hot throw has definitely improved, so now it's on to more wick testing. :)

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