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4627 Best Wicks

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I am totally new to candle making.  I bought 464 Soy and I can't get a hot throw at all.   I decided to switch to 4627 Comfort Blend.  For those of you that have used it what do you recommend for wicks?   Depending on the site I look this up they recommend the wicks they sell so I want to know from the users.  Thanks everyone

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I use 60-44-18 zinc wicks in 10 oz classic containers and have been using LX 30 in a 12 oz Victorian with 4627. These were, in fact, the first two containers that tested out. I am considering retesting the Vics with a different wick, however, as the performance of the LX is looking to be somewhat spotty. A word of caution regarding 4627 and fall scents, however. This wax has proven disastrous to work with blueberry scents and any spiced/cinnamon scents! Just my own experience, but it cannot seem to handle more than a 5% FO load with these scents whereas the Palm and soy wax (444 and Eco Soya Advanced) have no issue. Test for yourself, of course, just sharing what I have experienced so far.

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I use primarily zincs with 4627 and agree with chariste. Whenever I make a candle with a higher cinnamon content and use the liquid dye brown, I run into issues. Many times my wick will die out or the scent does not like the wax and combination. I will get brown specs of cinnamon pile up at the bottom and sometimes throughout the jar. No matter how long I stir it just does not seem to take to 4627. I only use 4627 for 8oz mason containers and lower. I have run into plenty of issues trying to wick higher. I use parasoys for anything above 8oz but that's just what works for me.

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