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Candle guy

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  1. Hello everyone, Does anyone know what needs to be included by law on a bottle of body spray in the U.S.? Thanks
  2. I use 6006 for most of my candles and it is not messy at all to work with. Most fragrances in 6006 work well but there are some that seem to throw better Clarus 3022 parasoy blend that I use. I also have used 4627 wax for years and that wax is very messy but has an incredible hot and cold throw. It's all about what works for you and your applications.
  3. You know it's funny about the curse word testing because everyone has a different degree of heat tolerance. I am a wimp apparently when it comes to carrying hot items. My fiancee laughs at me all of the time for yelling and dropping hot food. She has a high tolerance for carrying hot things. Her testing a jar would most likely differ from myself testing one. So maybe I'll stick with the laser test.
  4. Well also I have had candles burn hot on the first burn and then on the second it will have a tiny melt pool and not even touch the sides. Candles just do so many random things while testing. This is why we test I suppose
  5. Yes true but then again most of us have never had someone to follow and instruct on the correct way of candle making. This is why I have to constantly ask questions regarding candles. As long as the candle stays below 170 I will go with that. Many overwicked candles will soot like crazy anyways so there are obvious warnings.
  6. Thanks TallTayl for your input. I have had plenty of testers to where I cannot pick them up because of heat yet never measured the actually temperature so I discarded them and tried a different wick. Maybe perhaps I have been going about it all wrong. These candles perhaps could have been under 170 but they were just hot enough not to hold. I have made plenty of excellent, side clearing, and smelly good candles yet I failed them because the jar was too hot. Hmmmm maybe i should reconsider?
  7. TallTayl, I have a IR thermometer but I am wondering how you go about measuring it? Do you aim the laser at the glass on the outside?
  8. Hey all, I have been making candles for a few years now. It seems that everyone has their own method of measuring when hot is too hot while testing candles in their containers. I know that there is this topic already somewhere in the archives but I wouldn't mind a refresher. I have read comments from people who use wicks in certain waxes and containers that seem to me to be clearly overwicked. Then they will they say that their tests are fine and that they will sell them. I am curious to see what all of you have to say about test burning candles and when a test becomes too hot. Is there a certain temperature that the glass cannot exceed or is there another way?
  9. I can’t wait to see how they burn and sound. I think that they look really nice in a candle and I would love to figure out how to wick them properly. I am still struggling with certain scents and containers with regular wicks hahahahaha. I have been testing with HTP’s lately. Zincs have been my number 1 wick but there are many scents that I cannot get them to work with. I use CD wicks a little bit also. Hoping HTP’s will work well also
  10. That is a big help TallTayl and I will have to resort to their guide. Now I am preparing for a headache that has not even arrived yet. The good news is that I am only hobbying my candles at the moment. I will eventually go back in business but for now I want to mess around and test test test. Thinking that maybe I should start wood wicking with 8 oz tins and maybe 9 oz straight sided jars
  11. Thanks TallTayl I guess that I will have to do that. It would figure that wooden wicks will most likely be just as bad as regular wicks in terms of sizing hahahaha.
  12. Hey everyone I just ordered some wood wicks to play around with. I got medium, large and xlarge from the Candle Makers Store. Has anyone used the wood wicks from them before? Also any suggestions on containers or where to start with sizing? Thanks
  13. I find that wicking certain fragrances with certain waxes in just a couple containers is challenging enough lol. I waste plenty of money on this alone yet alone worrying about a complicated container hahahahaha
  14. Jenni wix I will be receiving a dozen straight sided jars today actually lol. I have never used them before so I will be anxious to test them with 6006
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