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HSCG certification


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I thought about doing this a number of years ago, then realized that noone, aside from other soapers, really knows or cares about the HCSG. I may still do it one day, but for myself only. I doubt it would help my business.

Edited by Faerywren
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Candy, I agree with Faerywen. I think that you should do it for yourself as an accomplishment, if that makes sense :) I really don't think the average person

cares, I think all they care about is - is it a good, well made product. Because thats the way I look at it. At my local farmers market i always stop to buy my 

favorite soaps from the same people - i love the way it feels - smells + the ladies are so helpful + appreciative .... I sure don't get that at my local Target lol ! 

Im a big believer of supporting local business whenever possible :)

Edited by Moonstar
spelling typo
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You should just go for it ! its a great feeling when you acomplish something for yourself :)where were you thinking of taking the classes. are they local

i know I've gotten notifications from brambleberry - i think they are on-line courses ?? my daughters always taking classes that people tell her that its

a waste of her time or she's wasting her money etc .but she takes them for herself ... she's my old soul :) she loves literature + takes foreign language 

courses - she speaks 3 languages - besides English fluently :) and has her masters in art education. she currently teaches kids age 10-13 who are emotionally 

impaired + come from severely difunctional homes. she's says its a very rewarding job :) GO FOR IT CANDYBEE !!!!!

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Candy, I agree with the others, if you do it, do it for yourself. I don't think it will hep increase sales, because like Faery said, the only ones that are going to know or care about it, are other soapers. 

I really want to do it, but for myself, not for anything else. 

Moonstar - what Brambleberry advertises/offers is something different I believe. There are no classes to take for the certification, however, there are study guides, etc., The tests are given at the HSCG Conference yearly, but if you don't make it to the conference, then you can take the certification locally, but they are only held once or twice a year, and you have to pay, sign up and all in advance to make sure you make it. 

If I remember right they have 3 different types of certification, one for CP, one for MP and one for Liquid Soap. However it's been about 2-3 years since I looked into it, so I may be off on some of my points here... 

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I've been reading about it on the guild site and what appeals to me is the chance to challenge myself by getting the materials to study and learning in more detail. There's stuff I know and other stuff I should or don't know. So to me that would make it a challenge. I think this summer I may spend some time boning up on it and then see if I still want to do it.


The other thing I like about it is the guild uses the certification as a means to standardize a soaper's knowledge in the industry. It occured to me that someday we may be required to pass certification in order to sell soap. Of course that  may never happen but I think other countries have some type of certification process soapers and B&B people have to go through.


Anyway it kind of appeals to me in a challenging sort of way. It can't hurt to pick up more knowledge and test myself.

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