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Wicks for C3 Wax

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I currently use 464 wax for my candles, but do have frosting issues with them from time to time.  So I thought I would give C3 a go.  It looks amazing in my jars, scent throw seems to be just as good - but I can't get them to actually burn properly.  I have 3" jars which I normally use HTP 126 wicks in with 464. Ive now tried a CDN 22 with it and it is still struggling to get a good melt pool after 2-3 hours.  Plus it is a really bubbly and not so pretty melt pool.  I really want this wax to work for me as it seems to be much easier to work with and looks amazing.  I also do 3 1/2" jars, but haven't tried the C3 in them yet - I am starting to doubt whether even the biggest CDN wick will even burn in that one.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

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Cotton wicks or HTP is what has worked best for me, and honestly I only used HTP when I made tins. 

The 3" jar a 60C and the 3 1/2 you would probably double wick to get the best burn and I'm not sure where to start there.

Premier wicks would also work nicely.

Any flat wicks just be sure to twist the wick before you set it in your jar.  Twisting helps it from burning totally to one side.

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CDN 22? seems like major overkill. For c-3 I use CD series (CDN, CD, CSN) 12 or 14 in my 3" diameter tins for 99% of all scents. The first couple burns don't always reach the edges, but by 1/3 way down the tin they do. But the bottom they consume all the wax. 


If your container is taller the same will be even more true as much more heat builds later in the burn.


in a 4" wide cast iron with very heavy base note rich fragrance I double-wick with 2 CD 6 about an inch apart.


I liked the throw of square braid, but they slumped too much. 


For really hard to burn FO ECO 10 or ECO 12 does the job (sometimes too well as ECO burn really hot IME)


if if you have pictures that would really help. 

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I will post a pic when I get home (at a market right now with my stuff ??). I totally agree, 22 is way too big but The CDN 20 just did not reach the sides, felt like it was going to tunnel big time.  I just can't guarantee customers will burn for 3 hrs or more. 


I've always used HTP but CDN seems to have more variety in the upper end and this c3 seems to need it hot. 


Kandlekrazy - what is 60c? I'm in Australia, so maybe things are different over here. 3" here uses htp126. 

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Is that a HTP brand? 


So so my current tester is actually a CDN 26, so more than over the top. The 22 tunnelled in previous tests. 


Mathis is at 2hrs burn. It is more on one side which I am assuming the twisting will fix. But the 26 probably should have burnt a humongous melt pool right? 


Htp to I would have used 126. So even if I go up to 1212, this CDN 26 is still way above HTP 1212 by miles. 




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wow, so many typos in this.  Thats what you get for typing on a phone while making candles.  It was meant to say:


Is that a HTP brand? 


So my current tester is actually a CDN 26, so more than over the top. The 22 tunnelled in previous tests. 


The photo below is at 2hrs burn. It is more on one side which I am assuming the twisting will fix. But the 26 probably should have burnt a humongous melt pool right? 


If I used Http in this jar,  I would have used 126. So even if I go up to 1212, this CDN 26 is still way above HTP 1212 by miles - so I can't see how it would burn. 

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