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Ever have a customer rub you the wrong way?


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Got an email order off my website from someone I don't know. It's an order for 100 soaps for a wedding. They say they couldn't afford the $4 per soap and asked for a discount. Okay, I don't mind giving them a discount for a large order. But my soap is $5 a bar not $4. That's a difference of $100 right there and they want a bigger discount?!!


Ordinarily I sell my soap for $5 ea or 5 bars for $20. That's to encourage larger sales with a nice discount of 20%. So maybe they thought my regular price is $4?


Anyway I sent them an email back and let them know my soap is $5 a bar but I would be willing to give them a discount of 25%. That comes to $375 or a discount of $125.


I also let them know a 100 soaps would be a special order and required 10-12 weeks to fill the order and if they are interested to let me know so I can send them an order form and contract. BTW the wedding is in the 1st week of April so there isn't a whole lot of time for me to fill this order if they want to go ahead.


Maybe I am being unreasonable about the way I feel but they just rubbed me the wrong way right off the bat. This kind or order will take a lot of work and money upfront to fill plus cure time and I just don't feel like giving my time and soap away.



Edited by Candybee
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Actually Candy you did say they were $4 a bar when you normally offer the discount of 5 for $20 they are planning to order 100 so they would all ready qualify for the discount for $4 a bar.


You are looking at if from the seller perspective they are looking at the buyer perspective. As a buyer I would see that because I am buying so many that I would be paying $4 a bar and hope for a little more of a discount because I am buying so many.

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I'm trying to look at it that way. I think the whole email itself with the price assumption and timing just did it for me. Anyway, I am calmed down a bit now. I think 25% is a fair discount and I am happy with that. But the timing is tight. Waiting for an answer back so will see what happens.

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Also as a customer they have no clue how your soap is made. Unless you have it on your site that it takes this amount of time for larger orders they might just assume that you have that much in stock or it doesn't take that long to make.



Edited by mindy5140
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