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Reusing glass jars, are any possible?

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The rhetoric around here seemed to agree that you never reuse a jar unless its for your own testers. However, I stumbled across a soy candle shop the other day and was curious about what they said.


According to them, none of their jars are reusable except status and apothecary. Those can be refilled precisely 3 times, and no more. This seemed to be very specific information.


Why they felt others weren't reusable and these were wasn't explained, nor the exact limit of 3 times. But it made me wonder if I am missing anything.


Any thoughts? I currently exclusively use Status 12 Oz (branching to 21 Oz soon) and I'd love to be able to reuse a jar a few times for repeat customers who I personally know and give them a discount of the jar cost itself, but is this safe?

Edited by C Dizzle
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Guest OldGlory

I'm giggling. The stuff I hear from other candlemakers never ceases to amuse me.

IMHO, their terms are arbitrary. Glass cracks. People lie, especially to save a buck. If someone brings you a glass jar to refill, and they dropped the jar at some point but don't want to admit it (and it has a crack that nobody sees), who do you think they will blame if the glass breaks and the candle burns their house down? That's worst case scenario, yes, but that's what you have to protect yourself against. I would have no problem refilling an 8 oz tin or a 16 oz tin - because they are less likely to have stress damage.

My suggestion is this: when you hear (or read) something that sounds ridiculous, ask them at that moment why.

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Ok, good. That aligns with what I thought. I was wondering if I missed something or if they were on the crazy train, lol. But why would they only say those jars and not the others? Perhaps those are the more expensive ones?


Anyways, thanks for clearing that up. I trust your judgment over random internet seller. :)

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Guest OldGlory

Toot, toot, all aboard!!


That one size is probably something they feel they can make a little money on, and '3' is probably when they think it's time to 'buy a new candle, darn it!' There's too much bad information out there. People will tell you anything to make a $.

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LMAO! What a bunch a bull chips!! You hear it all eventually over the years. Be it on their own heads to refill any of their glass jars. Would I do it? No way. Would I recommend you do it? Never.


The only jars I have ever refilled (and on rare occasions) are my own tester jars. If I keep a jar for reuse I usually repurpose it for holding spices, herbs, nuts, bolts, etc. Home use stuff.

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I'm giggling also, the things people claim - and many I have come across I have questioned myself if it's possible or true, especially the triple scented or special pour technique making them stronger than any other- and I have purchased many only to find they are no better and sometimes worse than my own

I do reuse my tester jars over and over - since 2008 I believe and have only had a couple crack on me from all the use but I use square Mason's and they are a pretty heavy glass and I know if they have ever been dropped and they are under my watch - I would never sell a used jar to a customer, new ones don't even have a guarantee

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Yeah the triple scent seems literally impossible. Wouldn't that clog up the wick, and if you burned a wick hot enough, wouldn't that be bad for the candle/jar/fire safety? I just can't wrap my head around that even working as even in theory if you have it bind with the wax, it should have other problems that make it impossible.



Anyways, I found the triple thing if you want to see. I don't want to mention the name as I don't want to feel like I'm bashing any company, but I would share the link if you want via PM if you're curious/want to warn them/etc. I also missed this line on one of their specific candles as well. See any inconsistencies here? Also isn't it unfair to call a 12.5 Oz Status jar which probably only holds about 9 Oz of wax (CS says overflow is 11.8 oz. wax, fill line 8.9 Oz) as 13 Oz? It couldn't hold 13 Oz of wax unless you have ways of bending matter and space to your will, and I would imagine one with that superpower wouldn't be using it to fill up candles slightly heavier!



13 oz. Refillable Status Jar Candle

This candle will burn for a minimum of 110 hours.  When your candle is done, simply return it to us and we will refill it (in your choice of fragrance - THREE TIMES - for $3.00 off) - first candle costs $19.99 and refills are just $16.99!

Price: $23.00

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Guest OldGlory

You are correct, they have it wrong. It is supposed to be the net weight of the fill. You would be shocked at the number of people who don't comply. It's not a matter of 'fair', it's the law.

I think we could fill a few pages with mistakes that are made on labels!

So is the price $23.00 or $19.99? 110 hours is also unlikely for a 9 or 10 oz fill even with soy.

Triple scent comes from the 'old standard of a 2% load', double would then be 4%, and triple would be 6%. Waxes have changed a lot since the 2% days, but there are still paraffins that hold only 3%. Now we have waxes that will hold 10%!!

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