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giving up?

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I'm having one of those "giving up" days. I've invested a lot into candles, and think I went about getting started the wrong way. 7-8 months in and all I have figured out is tarts. I don't trust anything else that I've made. I'm so perfectionistic that I want it to be perfect. I'm too paranoid that I'm afraid I'll never get to the point that I feel comfortable selling anything with a wick. I have trouble sticking to just one thing and trying to master it. I bounce around. I'm not happy with any of the wick testing I've done and I'm starting to run out of some of my test wicks. I've got more product material than I'll ever be able to test in the next year, maybe even two. I'm thinking I made a mistake in this and I should just sell it all off to someone who needs it, to someone that can actually produce something worth selling. My wife and I enjoy the stuff I make here, but it's only us. I don't know that I'll ever feel comfortable with putting my name out there on a candle. Today it all feels like too much.

Thanks for letting me vent. :undecided

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I'm sure everyone has had those days, but don't give up! You already know what you need to do... find one or two things, and test those until you have them perfect. Don't get frazzled trying to master everything at once, cause it won't happen. Just keep on trucking!:D

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Aww, don't give up! Take a step back, relax and regroup. Make a vow to work on one thing at a time until you're happy with it. As long as you enjoy the stuff you have and making it, don't pressure yourself to be ready to sell. That kinda takes the enjoyment out of being creative and weighs more pressure on the testing. You can do it. Keep your chin up! :)

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Hey there Chris,,,I have had those days too where I just want to "give up" But i keep doing it because I love it,,,like Brat says,,,try to stick to one or 2 projects until you feel you have mastered them,,,write it down and then go on to another,,,we all have these kind of days. Im trying to go from Paraffin to SOY and I am pulling my hair out here ( wont look to good bald) :laugh2: :laugh2:

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It's good to vent! Let it out! I understand it can be maddening when things don't work out. It's tough for me to stay concentrated on one thing, I bounce around too.

A wise web programming instructor one told me, "Learning occurs at the very edge of frustration." I'm not sure who originally said this, but it definitely applies here. You'll get it. If you work with soy, PM me if you have a question.


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If you're a perfectionist, then you'll stick with one thing till it's perfect. Otherwise, you aren't a perfectionist ;) Sometimes I feel the same way about giving up (especially on this bath stuff before ever getting started lol) because it's overwhelming. So take it a step at a time and reevaluate.

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You stated that you have more stuff than you can test. Did you go nutso buying supplies? I think we all do that. Perhaps you may want to sell some of the excess and put the cash back in your pocket for the moment. Keep in mind that FO's won't last forever.

You need to figure out if this is something you love to do. If so, and you are only pleasing yourself, that should be enough.


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Ohhh Chris, Dont give up.. Hey, you have mastered tarts. Be proud of that. Do you know how many people out there probably haven't mastered tarts and are selling them and they look like crap?? Keep your chin up.. Work on it and know we are here to help.. You have come to the right place to vent..


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Absolutely do not give up Chris! You will be fine, I know we have all been there. I jump around a lot also, that's why it has taken me so long. When I feel frustrated with a certain item I put it down and do something else until I feel up to it again...But never give up! These folks here will help you with anything you need!

:thumbsup: You'll be fine!

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Thank you everyone for you encouraging words and support. I don't know what I'm going to do yet as of long term, however if I decide to sell, you'll be the first to know 'cause you'll see a huge list of items in the classifieds! lol As for now, I guess I'll keep plugging away at the "wick"ed hobby.

Chris :tiptoe:

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Hey, Im 2 or 3 HUNDRED scents behind on pouring testers. I had a year to play around with scented stuff before I got my act together and started selling them. If I didnt have that year, I would not be selling scented candles right now. One day at a time, take your time. Im a perfectionist also, boy you should see all my rejects. I have tested, approved, ordered, poured, retested and found they were not just right and have to pull the other 17 candles from the batch and sit on them. No one in the family likes to work with me cause Im so picky..... Bruce

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When I first started, I HATED testing. To be able to test multiple things at a time, I enlisted a circle of close friends and family that would tell me the God's honest truth - if it stunk (and not in a good way) they would tell me. I taught them to make sure they burned evenly, they keep meticulous notes on burn time, and melt pool, and if something goes wrong, they'll be able to bring it back to me and show me. Most of them can't wait for me to have something to test because it means free stuff, LOL. Just an idea to take some of the pressure off, because youre friends and family will still love ya no matter what your candle looks like! (and so will we!)

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