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Empty Relief Holes?

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Hello everyone!

I've recently started using 4625; I want a higher melt point for the Summer months. I am having SO MANY issues with this wax! Seriously EVERYTHING that could go wrong with my pillars has. Transparency issues, cracking issues, and relief holes that won't fill!

I pour at 180 to reduce the transparency, I poke relief holes and my re-pour is around 180-185. I made a pillar yesterday and I could not bear the look of it so I broke it in half to remelt and my relief holes were empty. How did this happen?!!

I normally use a 4786/1343 blend which is awesome; smooth, opaque, killer scent throw and relief holes that aren't empty!

Could the experts of 4625 please share some advice or tips for this wax? I don't want to give up on it just yet...

Thanks so much!

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Perhaps you poked too early and your relief holes "closed over", & then the repour was not hot enough to melt thru???  Sometimes it's necessary to poke more than once, depending on the size of the mold.


In the past I used 4625, but I now use 1343, which is almost the same as the 4625, except that 4625 is a pre-blend & 1343 is not.  Pouring temperature will not affect the transparency. 

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I think joy is right, you might be poking too soon. I wait until there is a pretty thick skin before poking the relief holes, and then do my repour. I've never had a problem with them not filling. I've been working with this wax since I started making pillars almost 17 years ago. 

I don't have transparency issues with 4625 but do with 1343. I pour the 4625 initial pour between 190-195 and the repour around 200 - no problems. 

You could try adding some strearic to the wax to help with the opacity, that usually works for me with the 1343. 

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Once i start poking relief holes I keep poking until it is pretty well set up.  When I started making pillars yrs ago I couldn't find anywhere that said how long to keep poking the holes so I did it many times.  I will even poke into the holes when I do my repours to be sure.  I have been using 4625 for many years. I pour around 185. 

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Thanks everyone!

@Jcandleattic, I appreciate your input super much; I wish I could suck up your candle experience with a straw!

I will definetely try pouring a little higher than 180 and poke the reliefs a little later in the process.

Thanks again everyone!

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Thanks everyone!

@Jcandleattic, I appreciate your input super much; I wish I could suck up your candle experience with a straw!

I will definetely try pouring a little higher than 180 and poke the reliefs a little later in the process.

Thanks again everyone!

Ahh, that's sweet. I try to help when I can. :) 

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You know I have a problem with the poking part. If you're poking too soon, the holes should just fill up. If you are pokinlater then the wax should flow down. So something I'd suggest would be to poke your holes, walk away, reopen them when you are ready to pour and then pour. I tend to just pour down one hole and the rest find a way to fill for me. I'm don't use your wax, but I use the 1343. The only time I've had a partial poke not fill is because the wax was too cool. 

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