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Day 6 pictures for test burn on 20oz tureen

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Well, I've made my choice of wicks for the tureen....the 2 cd 8's......This jar has been a bugger - a big mean bugger to try to wick because of the odd shape.


These are pictures of day 6  - 4 hour burn test.  The wicks performed beautiful the entire time - not 1 dang mushroom - pretty much didn't have to clip but a smidgeon of the wick off b/4 I did each test burn....that's pretty good I would say.  The jar is a little more warm than warm if you know what I mean...Maybe placing the wicks closer on the next testing of a new fragrance will make the jar not as warm....but I can pickup no problem...The only thing is there was a very very long period, like a 6 hour burn to scrape the sides somewhat in the days 3 and 4 to get this candle going....I can deal with that no problem...but I'm wondering if I were to one day sell them, is the average customer going to burn the candle that length of time to get it to start cleaning up the sides???????  Because if not, I see a tunneling effect to happen.....In all actuallity, I think this jar is a good candidate for a 3 wick hand jobby.....  I'm doing just that - just have to get another jar...


Actually I'm going to try and find a company where I can buy 2 more so can do some more testings.....


Is there NO ONE HERE on the board that does these size jars?  Surely others have wicked it.  I would love to get their input of what wicks they did on theirs....









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Geezum crow, dang....I tried to go back and edit this post but couldn't....I can't friggin believe that I typed in my post, "3 wick hand jobby.....dang....don't know what I was thinking! 







Thats what I get for typing faster than my brain...

Edited by Trappeur
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Geezum crow, dang....I tried to go back and edit this post but couldn't....I can't friggin believe that I typed in my post, "3 wick hand jobby.....dang....don't know what I was thinking! 







Thats what I get for typing faster than my brain...


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Geezum crow, dang....I tried to go back and edit this post but couldn't....I can't friggin believe that I typed in my post, "3 wick hand jobby.....dang....don't know what I was thinking! 







Thats what I get for typing faster than my brain...

LOLOLOLOL........now THAT was fuuny.. OMG, VERY FUNNY............'3 wick hand jobby'................lol!! :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: That is really good........


Ummm....lol, hystyerical...but anyway - I think the user Puma? said she did this jar successfully in one of your first posts about it???? Maybe she'll step up & pm you or something.

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I think it looks great. Didn't even think anything of your faux pas about the 3-wicks. LOL 

I also think once you put those wicks closer together it will 'fix' a lot of the problems you are having and you may not need to add a wick. 


And sorry, but no, I don't use that jar. 

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I haven't used the 20oz tureen, only the 11oz and that sucker was a pain to wick with the Eco wicks and 464. It's a beautiful jar and I hate that a I didn't take more time to figure it out. I just ended up going with a straight jar to save myself some pain and frustration. I think your tests are coming along much better than mines ever did! I've got a bunch of the 11oz laying around. Maybe I will give them another go. Also, is it bad that I read right over your typo like it was nothing? Lol, we all speak the same language!

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lol, I didn't notice it until you made the second comment pointing it out!  But it gave me a good laugh, so...........thank you for that!!  This board NEEDS some humor, IMHO.

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