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Really Oily 464

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I started on my tart making journey in January 2013, and ended up buying a #50 case of GB464. Life happened and I wasn't able to use up the rest of the case until last month and I ordered a new case from Candle Wic a week ago. 


The new case is really wet (?) the wax is sticky, soft and feels greasy. The last case I had wasn't like that at all. I made some tarts and after a few days of curing the tarts are oily and sticking to the clamshells and souffle cups. (I mix the 464 with pb)


This is only my 2nd case so I'm not sure what the norm is, what is 464 supposed to be like? 

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First of all, 464 should not be used for tarts or clamshells. That's the problem. It's too soft. There are waxes you can buy that are formulated specifically for tarts/clamshells. You need a pillar blend. GB makes one.

Edited by JABE
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I mix it with PB, I didn't have a problem with the first case. My tarts snapped into cubes out of the clamshells and popped out of the warmers without an issue. I made hundreds of clams without any issues until I got to the new case.


I was asking if 464 should be greasy because I'd like to know if there is something wrong with the wax

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I would make a call to the supplier- that is not normal

Did you have it shipped during the week and bring it in right away

If it's shipped in extreme cold temps and sits over the weekend in a warehouse or on your porch all day I wonder when you bring it in as it thaws out it becomes full of condensation.... But regardless wet soy is not normal it should be dry

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you live in a very warm climate and the box was out in heat (this has happened to me), it can melt somewhat and make it oily. Otherwise, it should be dry...call the supplier and see if they might exchange the case or give suggestions on how best to work with it. You might try adding 10% more PB and see if that helps keep it from sticking to the clamshells.

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