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oil turned orange and did not mix

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it was totally fine and most of the wax was mixed fine...I poured the first wax and all was great...then I poured the second and noticed it had orange unmixed stuff in it. I dumped that stuff...I just unmolded and that stuff had settled in the molds and is seeping out of the wax....I have never had this happen and I did not use more oil then I normally do...what could have gone wrong

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Was it a vanilla or a heavy oil? One you've never used before? From a different supplier?

Different oils will behave differently do to their specific gravity. I know Vanillas and heavy oils seem to need to be added at a higher temp and stirred in longer so that they do mix. Also if it's a very heavy oil, sometimes the wax won't hold as much. I usually have to down my % in those type of oils to get them to incorporate properly.

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I have that problem with an oil from AH/RE. I stick blended the wax for 2 minutes and poured at 190 degrees and it still collected on the bottom but not as bad as when hand stirred. It clogs the wick and I have tried to blend it with Muscadine (It's Muscadine Vineyard) and it still collects on the bottom. I use it in melts but would like to chunk it out the window.

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If it happens again or if you remelt, toss in a few vybar pellets and see if that helps it bind to the wax. You might have to add in a little bit more wax too. In the case that you have tossed it and it happens again, make sure you have accurately weighed everything and then toss in a little vybar to see if that helps. I have had that happen on a few occasions. The Warm Vanilla Nutmeg did it to me once, but it has happened with other vendors -- White Tea & Ginger from ICS and I can't remember what one recently from NG. The vybar has helped a few times, but not always ... i.e. ICS it never blended no matter what.

Also, contact the vendor and let them know you have had or are having a problem with a fragrance and get their suggestion on what to do. When they tell you, "We've never had that problem," direct them to needing a solution for the problem you are having with their scent.

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You either used too much FO for the wax (remember that 1oz PP is just a guideline) or you didn't heat the oil. Always heat the oil. :)

When I use Amish Harvest from Peak with 4627 I have to use about .5oz PP or it weeps, even after heating it. When you stir your wax and notice FO blobs, you need to try adding more wax until there's enough wax to absorb the FO.

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If it happens again or if you remelt, toss in a few vybar pellets and see if that helps it bind to the wax. You might have to add in a little bit more wax too. In the case that you have tossed it and it happens again, make sure you have accurately weighed everything and then toss in a little vybar to see if that helps. I have had that happen on a few occasions. The Warm Vanilla Nutmeg did it to me once, but it has happened with other vendors -- White Tea & Ginger from ICS and I can't remember what one recently from NG. The vybar has helped a few times, but not always ... i.e. ICS it never blended no matter what.

Also, contact the vendor and let them know you have had or are having a problem with a fragrance and get their suggestion on what to do. When they tell you, "We've never had that problem," direct them to needing a solution for the problem you are having with their scent.

Great advice, and yes, vybar works. I completely forgot about this technique...

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can you use vybar in wax melts? will it lessen the scent? I did not use to much...It is the same amount I always use...It is a standard for me so I know that is not the issue....It is just so strange...Will vybar harden the melt up any I have a soft wax and would like it to be a bit harder....however I do not want to add something that will lessen the throw or lessen the scent load any.

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Vybar may help bind the wax and FO, but only use a few grains. If you add too much it will cause the FO to not throw at all. Good luck with telling the supplier it won't blend, been there, done that and was ignored. IMHO throw out the FO and find one that does work cause it's not worth trying to make a bad oil work. There are way too many good FO's out there to bother with a couple bad ones. :cool2:

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