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Patchouli question


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I have a strange question/observation for you all. I ordered Patchouli from Lebermuth as I have been on the hunt for a customer fro the best Patchouli. I am pouring it today and in wax it does not smell like what I think it should smell like, dirt with a hint of unwashed human. Is it because I have really only smelled poor quality patchouli oil on people? The Lebermuth Patch has an earthy smell but it is not making me gag.


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Are you asking about essential oil or fragrance oil? Patchouli essential oil smells different from batch to batch, year to year. As it ages, it gets thick, syrupy and smoother. Fresh patch eo is not all that great.

The only patch FO i have liked is from Moonworks. It is the closest to the real thing and priced similarly to the eo.

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It's also the patchouli from Lebermuth (Moonworks that is).

Patch has never smelled like dirt and unwashed human to me. Perhaps what you smelled was cut with something else.

Patch is a rich earthy smell, yes, but just can't compare it to the above lol. Can't say I ever thought of it as musky either. The leaves, maybe. It's a hard one to describe really, but it has a note of warm moist earth.

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Yes it is the Lebermuth which is the same as Moonworks. It is a nice earthy scent just not what I have smelled in the past. I have a few people that are going to test the throw on it for me. I have used the one from The Candle Source, Cajun and Natures Garden.


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Lebermuths/Moonworks Patchoulli to me, had more of a Vetiver type smell. Not quite the aroma of earth and leaves, but more like that of raw peanuts. :lipsrseal Would you describe it as that?

Patch should smell dirty, with a slight camphorous quality. The sample I received smelled more like Hazelnut or Peanut mixed with Dirt. As a patch fan, I didn't enjoy it at all.

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rctfavr3 What FO do you prefer if not the Lebermuth one. This hunt for Patch is killing me and I don't even like the scent.


Lebermuths/Moonworks Patchoulli to me, had more of a Vetiver type smell. Not quite the aroma of earth and leaves, but more like that of raw peanuts. :lipsrseal Would you describe it as that?

Patch should smell dirty, with a slight camphorous quality. The sample I received smelled more like Hazelnut or Peanut mixed with Dirt. As a patch fan, I didn't enjoy it at all.

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Guest OldGlory

Just a thought...

I'm a huge patchouli fan. Like it so much sometimes I wear patchouli EO as a fragrance, plain. And I'm very picky about what I buy and once had to throw away a 1 lb bottle of the EO because I couldn't stand it. Considerable loss of $ but if it stinks, it stinks and I won't use it. That's when I learned to buy a small bottle to test it first, then order a larger bottle if it passes muster.

I haven't found a patchouli fragrance oil that meets my standards. I use the essential oil in candles I make for myself (have one burning at this very moment) and wonder if your customer would also prefer that. You can spend a lot of money trying to meet someone's standards, or you can ask her to find a patchouli she likes and you will make a candle with it.

To use a patchouli EO in a candle you should use 1/3 - 1/4 the amount of FO you usually use. If your customer found an ounce that he/she loves you could make her several good sized candles with that. No more guesswork.

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