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A scent from your memories


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This is some abstract thinking right here, not really a discussion on FOs...

If you could purchase any fragrance based off a memory e.g. The smell of grandma's house, the smell of grandma :), an amusement park, the smell before it rains, etc...What scent would you choose?


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I have a close connection with earth fragrances. When I was a child, my favorite spot to go and think was in the woods. It was a big rock outcropping on a hillside that was covered with moss and I would lay on the top of the rock and read and think etc. I remember the smells were damp moss, rich earth, trees and fresh air.

Forest and earthy scents are still my favorites.

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I would have to say either the Wonder Bread bakery (nothing like the smell of fresh baked bread permeating the air for miles around!) OR the Jolly Rancher facility before they closed down quite a few years ago... It was sad to seem them close down since the company was founded here in Golden, Colorado.

Either of those 2 scents bring back wonderful childhood memories.

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Either of those 2 scents bring back wonderful childhood memories.

It's seems you at least have the option of purchasing fragrance oils that reflect those memories. So many of us have a comforting or emotional response from a scent that can't be bottled or purchased. It's really interesting to know that scents can elicit a past memory or vise versa.

Even off-putting smells evoke memories for me; the smell of dust and car leather to name a few. 'Though I think my penultimate scent memory comes from my favorite attraction at Disney World... Pirates of the Caribbean. I recently experienced this characteristic aroma in a used books store and without warning it immediately teleported me to my "youth" riding along in that boat again "yo ho'ing" in the damp cavernous rooms permeated by the smells of what can only be described as "chlorinated mustiness". It was awesome!

I went back the next day to find the culprit (thought it was the AC) but with no luck, the magical "pirates" aroma had vanished...Arrg!

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Ahh, a used book store!! Doesn't really bring back memories, but man do I love the smell of a used book store or old library!! Such a great scent!! The scent of old books just has the best character.

I've never been able to find a fresh baked bread scent that even comes close to the real thing (I've given up trying) but the Jolly Rancher scent from NG is about as close to a bag of "assorted candy flavors" as one can get (IMO - but it's still not "spot-on"). I love it though. It's one of my favorite scents because I love fruity/sweet scents.

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OH another one I just thought about (but yet again there IS a scent for it - LOL) is when I would visit my grandma she would hang clothes out on the line and my sister and brother and I would run through them while they were still wet. (would make my grandma's Irish temper come out, because she would have to rewash them, but... LOL)

When I first started making candles, I got Fresh Linen from NG and it smells EXACTLY like her clothes line used too.

It's one of those scents I literally cannot GIVE away, but keep the scent to make candles/melts/soap just for me in. It takes me back to that time in my life every time I smell it.

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We used to camp a lot when I was young- the smell of campfire with a lake background and trees and pines would be an ultimate scent for me to find- every campfire one I have tried doesn't even come close

I would enjoy this fragrance very much if available.

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I think I am inspired to try and Create it! If I have any luck I will let you know

I was going to say - sounds like someone needs to start experimenting and mixing. :) Let us know if you try it and how it turns out. :)

Seems like maybe a campfire, marshmallow, pine, mountain lake, and/or a hit of a floral and different ratios would fit the bill.

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Yes. I'd like both of those in fragrance oils. Heck I'd buy at least a lb each! "Horse Barn" in particular. I can't seem to find a realistic Hay fragrance.

Hayride BCN mixed with a touch of sweetgrass from elements is the closest I have come to realistic hay- the whole barn thing I wouldn't know where to begin- I have horses and can figure out exactly what makes up the complete barn scent- there is wood- earth- pine shavings- Dirt- and horse!

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I made a scent called CampOut, which is BCN Log Cabin mixed with Ozark Forest from RE. I know exactly the scent you're talking about because it was special to me as well and this is as close as I can get to it. Fresh night air, pine, smoky wood... yes!! If you want a tart to test it, send me a PM and I'll mail you one! Love this scent. When I melt it in the house, I think I smile all day.


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I poured a Plumeria candle and I had flashbacks of my best friend and I in high school. That was her favorite bath and body works lotion! Still trying to get it to throw right in a candle so I can bring one to her...

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Hayride BCN mixed with a touch of sweetgrass from elements is the closest I have come to realistic hay- the whole barn thing I wouldn't know where to begin- I have horses and can figure out exactly what makes up the complete barn scent- there is wood- earth- pine shavings- Dirt- and horse!

There's a warm sweetly-spice note in Hayride that detracts from it smelling "realistic" to me. Otherwise, I would agree. I like Hayride, as it seems to be the closest but the nutmeg/cinnamon note in it at the top kinda ruins it's usefulness in certain blends. I know why the spice-note's there, but sometimes I don't want a home-rustic hay note.

I wonder if a hint of "Baby Diaper" from SOS would give me that "horsey" aroma. LOL. I think I'll try and work on this over the next couple of weeks. If it's any good I'll report my findings.

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