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Feel I cannot compete with others...


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Hi there,

I can imagine that I'm already getting on your nerves but this is the only place where people might experience similar problems like me.

I've told you about this former customer who stole my design etc. and is selling on a shop portal (like Etsy, but it is German) her clamshells. She was on holiday most of october and is back now...selling tons of stuff. I'm doing okay there but she has her regular customers, fabulous customer service (well no wonder...she is an older lady who doesn#t have to deal with kids, homework, etc....but probably there are many of you having to deal with all of this and still offer fabulous customer service) and I feel I just cannot compete with her. Of course there will always be people out there doing a better job than me but this knowledge makes me feel frustrated because I know I cannot fulfill an order the moment it was made. I make my candles to order because I don't have the money to buy so much wax to make several jars or clamshells of each scent ahead and then just bag it and ship it. I still have to juggle a lot with the money I earn, buying only the most necessary material and work with it. So I see her and all her sales and get panicky....I have only good reviews with this portal but I don#t have that many customers and feel people will rather buy with her than with me because of her hundreds of excellent ratings there.

How do you manage all this if you are in a similar situation?

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oh, well, I just discovered another of my customers has opened a shop there...she was the one who wanted to know everything about making candles...those scents she is using aren't mine.

I guess I don't feel like selling candles anymore, just as I told you in an earlier post. This month I had 12 orders in my shop, one for candles, the rest for candle supplies. This is a hint from above, must be.

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Sorry you feel so down. I'm sure you have a great product, don't give up!

I feel the same way only it's because I don't have confidence in myself and am constantly changing wax, buying more FO's to find the "best" of everything and I just keep pouring and not selling! My own fault I guess and OCD kicking in, plus like you I'm afraid I can't handle orders and all the other things that have to be done too.

Maybe selling candle supplies wouldn't be such a bad idea. I'm not sure how you would go about getting into that though.

I hope things turn around for you soon!

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Sorry to hear what you are going through Inez. Maybe you just need a break. I discovered a long time ago not to worry about what others are doing or selling. I put all my effort into making the best product I can and selling that. I think you are probably just more open and sweet than you need to be. You have to have a bit of tough skin and be assertive. I know you have the talent but right now you sound defeated. Sometimes a break and regrouping helps. For myself, when I get new ideas for something that gives me the boost I need and a fresh burst of energy to pour into my work... and sometimes just taking a break or a small holiday to take my mind of it helps a lot.

I know this will pass for you so just hang in there.

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Thank you for your help! It is good to hear that others have felt similar or had similar problems. A break sounds good, only I cannot afford any - I really, really need the money from my business. But, on the other side, no matter how hard I try it never seems enough. I'm a bit nervous as tomorrow there is due an instalment for my business credit and I simply cannot pay it. The bank will call this credit. I feel like giving up and working my ass off at the same time. I want to quit but cannot. That's probably a bit too much pressure at the moment but hey, I have passed worse times with even more money being due.

How I'd love to live a simple, self-sustaining county life and not having to deal with customers, orders etc....I knwo you will say "Why the heel the does she have this business if it is such a horror for her?" I love making candles and having customers who like my stuff but working under these tight conditions isn't so nice. Guess I just want to escape from it all from time to time.

Thanks for letting me whine here!

Edited by ubure
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Feel a bit better - I have decided not only not to give but put all my strength in this. I've been back for only 3 months now - need to work more. I have to pay back this loan anyway so there is no other option and I have to prove myself that I can do it!

Thanks for letting me be here and have some mental breaks here!

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Inez, I know it's hard to be tight on money, working under pressure, no time to take a break and rest.. but, competitors shouldn't be the reason that makes you quit. Competitors will be always around.

Focus on your products, maybe narrow down the numbers of items or scents you offer, be creative and make something unique. It maybe a simple scent you keep secret how it's made, or a type of jar, it doesn't have to be really complicated. If tarts aren't good sellers, just quit making those, if you have not a quite big business with those simply don't make them. I quitted making votives and tarts, too much work for too small income.

It takes nerve, and confidence.

I know I make really good candles, I can see it anytime I buy and burn other candles to compare to mine. Also, I make candles for a wedding, the wedding planners fell in love with my candles and said they never seen any candle burning so perfectly, so I will work with them too.

I know you work hard and well, so don't give up, maybe get a sort of smartphone so you can keep it in your pocket to check emails often and give a quick answer so your customers know you're there for them.

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Thank you Sabrina!

I guess the direction into which I should turn shows up quite clearly: yesterday I had 6 orders, all of them for supplies. In th evening I had a happy hour for my candles with a 25% discount - no sales at all, even though it was advertised in Google adwords. The situation is quite clear now. I will concentrate on supplies and even while I won't give up my own candles (I do have my customers for these) I will become a supplier.

Do you make scneted candles for the weddings? I find this very interesting and years ago I was in contact with a wedding planer. Problem was they didn't want scented candles. Do you have pics? I'd love to see them!

BTW: I was very, very lucky - my bank has extended the deadline. I'm so happy now I can be sure to be able to pay the money then.

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Sabrina you are adorable! Your candles are beautiful too!

Inez-- I can see now that what is eating away at you right now is the pressure of paying back this credit. I almost lost my house last year as I lost my job and was behind in my mortgage. When I got a letter from the bank about them starting proceedings to forclose I was as down as I could be. Instead, I picked myself up, drove over to the bank, and talked to the manager. I was able to pay what I could and after a few weeks got work and started making regular payments. The pressure was eating away at me but it passed when I got myself in a better situation. So stay strong and hang in there. Times are tough right now. But this will pass and things will get better for you I promise.

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You are such great people here - I thank you from the bottom of my heart, really!

Candybee, I will take you as a role model and - yeah- hang in there! Today I was able to order new supplies and there was money left!! It will take some more time but I guess I will finally make it! And: at the beginning of those financial problems years ago I made the mistake of NOT talking to those poeple I better should have talked to. But I've learned the hard way and changed this behaviour. Today I told my bank lady what the situation is like and she agreed to another extension of the deadline.

Sabrina, cara mia - sei molto carina, simpatica e gentile! Ho sempre creduto que sei cosi. Un giorno verrò da te e poi beviamo un bicchiere o due...o tre...d'accordo? (chiedo perdono per i falli e non so si "fallo" è l'espressione corretta...*lol*).

Your candles look fab and are perfect for weddings! Great job - you can see how well they burn!

Have a nice evening (well, rather "day" over there in the US)

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