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Selling melts in cups. How do you display and do you offer test cups?


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Last year I sold melts in cello bags and since having been making melts in cups. I thought that I had it all figured out but the public showed me that all of these years of marketing, branding, packaging and advertising cannot guarantee predicted results...haha!

Do you just have scents out by fragrance and let people sniff and buy? Do you offer testers of each scent for people to try?

I took the latter approach and it did not work. Despite the testers out in front of each appropriately labeled basket (and my repeating myself 1,000 times that I had testers out for every fragrance) people still pushed the testers aside to reach in the basket to grab another to sniff (makeup laden noses right to the wax and all!) My plan next is to try using different labels for testers than I have for the melts for purchase. Clearly, people need to test/sniff to know whether they want to buy or not-I know that I do-but I need to work on a better plan.

Would love to know what you do if you do not mind sharing. Thanks so much!

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I make the 2oz cups and what I do for a show is I figure out how may scents I am going to take Then I put each scent into it's own basket. They all ways pick up my cups open and smell them. (Heck they do it with my clamshells also) I don't take samples cause they never use the samples (go figure) I gave up on samples along time ago They just don't work for me except If I am selling B&B items

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I just let 'em sniff! :P I don't worry too much. Usually they are getting snatched up pretty quickly so not too many noses are in them! LOL!

This is my first time selling portion cups and I have been wondering how to display them too. I bought larger cute bins and was thinking of having categories (bakery, floral, seasonal, etc...) but I'm so stumped! I feel like they must be containerized. The clams aren't so bad because they are bigger but the portion cups are pretty small and could easily be snatched up into a bag. (Sad days when this has to be your thinking!)

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I have mine out in containers by scent. I've also just had them out on tables piled by scent. It gets a little messy that way.

I've thought about using a tester so people wouldn't open them but I wasn't sure if it was very practical.

Here's a couple of pictures. I have an open house this weekend and I will post pics after that is over. The pic on the left is one from a show I did. They provided displays so I had to work with whatever was there. lol. The other is at my house when I first started a couple of years ago. I didn't take pics at the last shows I did.



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Last year I made cute, clearly marked testers for each scent. People would still open clamshells to smell. No matter how many times I tried to explain about testers, people wanted to smell clamshells. I'm not going to bother with testers anymore. Lesson learned. :)

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I have mine out in containers by scent. I've also just had them out on tables piled by scent. It gets a little messy that way.

I've thought about using a tester so people wouldn't open them but I wasn't sure if it was very practical.

Here's a couple of pictures. I have an open house this weekend and I will post pics after that is over. The pic on the left is one from a show I did. They provided displays so I had to work with whatever was there. lol. The other is at my house when I first started a couple of years ago. I didn't take pics at the last shows I did.


The table looks BEAUTIFUL! My first thought is 'OMG, what if someone bumps into it!!?!' I would cry. I love the clear bins. I think I'm going to play around with my table a bit this week.

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I don't do testers, I let my customers open the clamshells and sniff. They seem to like going thru the tray to sniff different fragrances but to make it easier for them, I've decided to put my melts in different trays for different fragrances.

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