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Tester Feedback Questions For Wax Melts?


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I am putting together 3 test batches of melts to give to friends to review for me. I am making these with KY Para-Soy and 8% FO. I have a few questions.....

1. Do you give a whole (6 squares) clam shell to each tester or only a few? Or do you give tarts?

2. Do you ask specific questions for feedback? Like how do they look, how long did they smell, how many times did you burn each? How big was the room they burned it in?

3. Do you give specific instructions with the melts?

Thanks so much!

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I would give them or send them how you will make them.You will want to know things like how they held up in packaging, ease in getting out of the container and such that you might miss if you package up a few squares.

I give them a simple spreadsheet with scent name, letter (if I am testing same scent different wax blends as example) and area for comments. I email or enclose depending on their preference.

I ask for specific feedback. Otherwise, what you will get back is, "I loved them all!" or "I cannot remember specifics except that they were great!". These comments, while kind, are not helpful to me.

I do not test for scent but am always asking about one wax over another. So, I ask about things like HT, longevity and such. Could be different each time I send.

I get testers who are committed to good, prompt feedback. Some even give me a CT and first impression/thoughts when they receive. I like to chose testers who are a combination of regulars users and others who make melts. I get a wide range of feedback that way.

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Guest OldGlory

I suggest asking your testers to use the same variables for each new fragrance. Same amount of time, same amount of scented wax, same room, etc. If they put one in a large room, one in a small room, one near a fan, one in a room with little air circulating, you will get inconsistent results.

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I suggest asking your testers to use the same variables for each new fragrance. Same amount of time, same amount of scented wax, same room, etc. If they put one in a large room, one in a small room, one near a fan, one in a room with little air circulating, you will get inconsistent results.

That's a great idea too!

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I'm cheap! LOL! I give people a single cube, because that's what I test. I put them in little tiny poly bags (that I make from huge ones, I just use a sealer and make them itsy!) and write what scent it is! Then it's consistent with results. I know they only have 1 cube going and this way, they test many scents for me and I'm easier able to confirm their results within my home (if they suck for a scent). The customers love it too because they are able to try a bunch of different ones. I get quick feedback this way and can have a dozen scents reviewed in a week, kwim??! (Did I mention I'm cheap?)

I am pretty simple with my testers. In the beginning I send out an email and very few got back to me. Now I'm simple and just ask if it fills the house, about how many hours are you getting out of it, etc...I get more feedback that way. I hate sending out a ton of samples and getting a single person reporting back.

ETA: I do find my testers end up being my biggest promoters too! :grin2:

Edited by QTsmum
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I was worrying about sending out a bunch of samples then not getting much feedback..... I was thinking of sending one whole clamshell then two other fragrances with just two cubes. That way they can still see the packaging but its not as much product to lose. I have a list go folks to send them to.

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I ALWAYS tell my testers....I want to hear it all.....good/bad/ugly....just tell me the truth, I can't make a product BETTER if they don't tell me everything about the product.....it works out great! :)

Exactly. I hate when they're like "It smelled nice". Ummmm, thanks! LOL! It's not really all that tough to jot on a piece of paper when you started/ended it and if it did/did not smell a big portion of the house! Some people just want freebies. There's no way of avoiding that. Once I find good testers, I keep 'em!

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Exactly. I hate when they're like "It smelled nice". Ummmm, thanks! LOL! It's not really all that tough to jot on a piece of paper when you started/ended it and if it did/did not smell a big portion of the house! Some people just want freebies. There's no way of avoiding that. Once I find good testers, I keep 'em!

Yes, we sure do keep 'em! It's a tough job for them but somebody has to do it! hee hee ... :)

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