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Hemp milk & Oat milk


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I couldn't wait and used them both the oat and hemp milks today. I mixed them half and half and used them for my lye solution. The milk turned a bit orangy brown and got thick but no problems. I did chill the milk in the fridge only and not freeze it. Wanted to see how it turned out my first time. I used the milk in a well known recipe I knew I wouldn't have any problems with.

I just checked (peeked) at my soap in the mold and it looks just like this recipe normally does. The milk combo initially had a slight pneumonia smell like gm does at first. But its already going away and the orangy hue is also gone. Don't think it discolored the soap because its the normal medium tan I get using this recipe and FO.

Anyway the milk mixture and lye was very creamy and I can't wait to try the soap. I bet it makes the soap feel creamy and mild.

Gonna try it again this weekend on a new soap I am making.

I used to make my own almond milk and sesame seed milk. They are easy to make. For the almonds you first boil them to get the skins off, then mix them with distilled water and puree them in a blender until they are completely mashed up. You can add any flavoring like honey or maple syrup if you want to drink it. Its really good for you. My favorite homemade milk was the sesame seed. The only problem is that it is rich in fat as well as nutrients and protein so you can only have a small glass a day. Nut milks are easy to make at home. Not sure how I would go about getting hemp seeds to make hemp milk. LOL

Edited by Candybee
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ChrisR, how do you make the hemp milk? Do you buy seeds from somewhere?

I make it by adding 1 cup shelled hemp seeds (hearts) & 3 cups boiling distilled water to my blender and puree. Then strain it through cheese cloth & refrigerate before using. If I'm not gonna use it within a week, I freeze it. I buy the 5 lb. tub by Manitoba Harvest & Amazon has the best price that I've found. It does make my CP soap a bit on the tanish side, but my customers really don't buy it because of color anyway.

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I buy the 5 lb. tub by Manitoba Harvest & Amazon has the best price that I've found.

Amazon, who would have thought. Well, they have pretty much everything else.... Thanks ChrisR!

CB, I have read about that method for Almond Milk but haven't tried it yet. Sounds like it will work well for both almond and hemp. I've seen almond milks at the store and hemp at Trader Joe's (I think) but wasn't liking the additional ingredients. Already have an almond milk facial soap planned.

Do milks made in this manner from nuts/seeds have those natural sugars that is good for bubbles? I'm sure this will make for a nice, creamy lather.

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I've only made homemade nut milks for drinking years ago when I was into this health phase. I haven't tried them in CP so don't know if you need to strain the milk before use.

BTW-- I meant to say parboil the almonds for about 1-2 minutes (like tomatos) and the skins start to peel off. Then you put the peeled almonds in the blender with your water.

I am trying to remember if I bought the hulled sesame seed or the regular. I used to get them at the health food store that carried both in bulk. I assume unless it says hulled you will have the hull included. Then I think I would strain the hulled sesame milk before putting in my soap.

I know nuts have natural sugars but I don't think it would be that much. Personally I would add a bit of honey or sugar to promote lather. Don't think the small amount in the nuts will do much but I could be wrong.

ChrisR-- I would never have guessed you could buy hemp seeds online. Silly of me I guess. LOL

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The description of them does sound tasty!! I know I will buy them eventually just to try them. But I think I will end up eating them instead. The hempmilk I used is very nice and affordable. Can't wait til my soap is cured. I already made a couple batches with it and one with the oatmilk & hemp combined.

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