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I am at a lost

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Gb 415, 8oz mason jars. I poured all the scents I have using 8% fo load.

I am using cd 12 / cd 14. I am getting very little HT. I have tried cs's very vanilla, cinnamon sticks, cinnamon buns, peppermint bark,

The only ones I can get a great HT with is Rose, and lilac.

Should I try to mix a paraffin wax in? That is alot of candles I need to do over.

My votives (4794) seem to have some what of a better HT than these jars.

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Sounds like you doing the right things but if you are just starting out (and I don't know if you are), starting with soy wax can be frustrating at many levels. For me anyway, some of those FOs are a challenge even in a paraffin system but soy can be even more finicky. If there are some FOs that work for you, then you are on the right track, some will never work.

Blending waxes can also be a challenge, sometimes you get the best qualities of both and sometimes you get the worst. In any case, you are starting over again test containers, wicks, and FOs. Some common blends are 50/50 or 70/30. That can be paraffin to soy or soy to paraffin, so there are 3 waxes to test right there. OR, buy a parasoy blend like 6006. I'm sure that there are others. Paraffin will help with the range of FOs that will work and help with issues like frosting but now it's not an "all soy" wax. All depends on what goals you have set for yourself.

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Did they cure for at least a week before testing? Large fo loads on spice/vanilla fos are going to clog your wick and you might need to go to a 16 on some of those. Test different wicks and start with 6% load and work your way up IMHO. Personally, I found some of those fos a little light and using more was not better. They will improve the longer they sit and cure. I recommend trying 6006 with 15% 415 for a great blend. HTH


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Did they cure for at least a week before testing? Large fo loads on spice/vanilla fos are going to clog your wick and you might need to go to a 16 on some of those. Test different wicks and start with 6% load and work your way up IMHO. Personally, I found some of those fos a little light and using more was not better. They will improve the longer they sit and cure. I recommend trying 6006 with 15% 415 for a great blend. HTH


Yes they cured for almost 2 weeks because I had to wait for wicks.

Should I try a bigger wick even if the candle is burning correctly? Nice melt pool, not really any mushrooming etc...?

I was thinking that maybe I am burning the scent off the top because I use a heat gun to smooth out the tops. But I temped it and the wax is only around 150 when using the heat gun. So idk..

Edited by chrisasst
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A brief heat gun treatment is not the problem. You will have to test all kinds of thing, larger wicks, smaller wicks, different types of wicks, and in the end you may not succeed. Many here have a "system", a combination of containers, wicks, and wax and if a FO does not work in that system, it is not used. Not all FOs are going to work. If you have the time to test a lot of variables you may be successful or you may not.

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I use C-3, so keep in mind that this might not apply depending on the manufacturer's directions for 415, but the main factor I pinpointed when I was struggling with weak hot throw was not adding the FO at a high enough temp. Adding it consistently at 180* made a big difference for me. HTH.

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