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My melt vs Glade...Customer comment!


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So I am on a canadian deal forum and I saw they were discussing a coupon related deal with the glade warmers and their melts. I had just purchased a melter from Glade for backup testing to make sure my results are consistent, and I was checking the other comment out. I saw one girl say she bought the glade melts and her house smelled great. Well, I thought to myself "I can make your house smell so much BETTER" LOL!!! I decided to check where she was located, since i'm sending out testers in the local area to get feedback and really just get the idea that there's more than the 'S' word here! She coincidentally is in my tiny (new to me!) town! I thought NO WAY! I mean, she's literally around the corner, he kiddo goes to my kiddo's school! :P So weird!

Well, she just wrote to me and said;

"Thank you so much! I tried the perfect pumpkin today and love it. Its been going for 8 hours and are entire down stairs smells great. My mom came in tonight and said wow your house smells really good. I tried one of the vanilla glade ones last night and it did smell good but was isolated to the kitchen. Yours makes half of the house smell good "


I'm thrilled! I was a bit nervous when I saw those melts, not having ever tried them and their cheap price but YAY! You really end up saving money in the long run when the melt lasts and smells stronger/better! I'm SOOOO excited!

And she gave me a bag of sausage for the melts, LOL! Score!

Edited by QTsmum
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