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Scent throw time question, how do you test?


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So I'm in the process of testing some tarts for a Nov show! I've got tons of time, it feels so good! LOL! I spent the entire weekend pouring after a long haitus (move-the movers lost and then found all my stuff a few months later!) :mad:

Annnnyhow, do you melt for a few hours, then turn off? Do you let it burn until the scent is gone? Do both? Does it make a difference? Do you do 1 cube or 2 at a time? I've been doing 1, but after some reading, see a lot of people do an oz at a time and that would be 2...

With my vanilla lavender, I got a good 6 hours out of 1 cube, but am a bit bummed. I can get days and days out of one cube in a plug in though. I'm assuming I'd get longer out of 2 cubes, but didn't want to be phishing for better results, kwim?!

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Like most things here, I think it is personal preference and your own "system". The one thing I would say is test consistently. Whatever you do-1 cubes or 2, turn it off, keep it on, do it the same way so that you are comparing fairly.

I pour into Ellipso cups and I test one cup at a time and melt until I do not get a strong HT. For an FO to make it in my lineup, it has to be strong for a minimum of 12 hours. Or, I test 2 similar scents and I see which one is strongest and smells the most true to it's scent after a set number of hours.

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I test both, the 1 cube (like those in clamshells) and one round or scalloped tart.

It stays in the warmer until the scent is no longer there.

Depending on FOs and wax combos, it can be anywhere between 12 hrs. and 2-3 days, non-stop.

Hth, and good luck with your November show!:cheesy2:

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Followup question....

When you test, do you sniff the house or do you sniff the wax? I'm driving myself mental. I'm wondering if it's my nose. I do have testers trying some but *just* handed the melts out, so it'll be a little bit. If I sniff the burner, I can start to smell the paraffin, but if I just walk into the house, I smell the scent (Leaves) and it's not 'waxy' yet.

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i made some "Leaves" melts last winter(from JS)-have not had them last more than 4 hours in any of my wide variety of melters/burners. it is such a great scent, and really strong for about 2 hours, than poof-gone! at 4! will be trying Aztec and New Directions versions sometime soon to see if they are any longer-lasting. i use Cb 129/415.


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